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  • ROC curve analysis for cox regression model

    How to do ROC curve analysis and a graph for cox regression model on stata 11?

    it can be done for logistic regression analysis using command:lroc
    but it doesn't work for a cox hazard regression model?
    is there a way for that?how to do it?

  • #2
    See -estat concordance- in -help stcox postestimation-.
    Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 07 Jan 2017, 19:47.


    • #3
      Thanks for getting back to me
      So I did estat concordance and it gave me Harel c and somer d which I understand are the postitive predictive value of the model.

      How can I graph and plot the positive predictive value?? and how to estimate the area under the curve?

      Thanks for your help


      • #4
        Harrell's C is the area under the curve, it is not the positive predictive value of the model.

        But I don't know of a way to get a plot in this context.


        • #5
          and how to get sensitivity ,specificity and PPV for the whole cox hazard regression model?


          • #6
            I don't know what you mean by that. The Cox regression model does not predict any dichotomous outcome. It is a model of time to events. The Harrell C statistic (which is also the area under an ROC curve) for a Cox regression model relates to the accuracy of its predictions about whose "death" precedes whose.

