Hi all,
I used the following commands to produce multiple panel residual unit root test results.
//predict the residuals for all panels
su group, meanonly
forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
regress ln_TX_R ln_REER ln_RGDP_P gfc gfc_ln_RGDP_P t if group == `i'
predict res`i' if group==`i', res
//DF unit root test of the residuals [null: unitroot (error term not stationary) = no cointegration]
su group, meanonly
forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
dfuller res`i' if group==`i'
And the results are as below,
I would like to have test stat, 1%, 5%, 10% CV all in one table, or imported to excel for further analysis.
I know someone posted before to use the command "statsby"
i tried the following but to no avail..
statsby, by(group): dfuller res`i' if group==`i'
and sometimes i get the following message:
no; data in memory would be lost
any help will be greatly appreciate.
I used the following commands to produce multiple panel residual unit root test results.
//predict the residuals for all panels
su group, meanonly
forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
regress ln_TX_R ln_REER ln_RGDP_P gfc gfc_ln_RGDP_P t if group == `i'
predict res`i' if group==`i', res
//DF unit root test of the residuals [null: unitroot (error term not stationary) = no cointegration]
su group, meanonly
forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' {
dfuller res`i' if group==`i'
And the results are as below,
I would like to have test stat, 1%, 5%, 10% CV all in one table, or imported to excel for further analysis.
I know someone posted before to use the command "statsby"
i tried the following but to no avail..
statsby, by(group): dfuller res`i' if group==`i'
and sometimes i get the following message:
no; data in memory would be lost
any help will be greatly appreciate.