Dear all,
I am estimating system gmm on a panel with a gap. In fact I have a panel 2006-2014, but 2011 is a missing year.
The results I get after applying xtabond 2 are the following.
command: xtabond2 y l.y l2.y x y z i.year if ser==0, /* */ robust twostep cluster(id) small orthog /* */ gmm(L.y, lag(2 5)) gmm(L2.y, lag(3 .)) /* */ iv(yr1-yr8 x y z) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in first differences: z = -6.05 Pr > z = 0.000 Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences: z = . Pr > z = . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sargan test of overid. restrictions: chi2(2) = 13.86 Prob > chi2 = 0.001 (Not robust, but not weakened by many instruments.) Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(2) = 2.55 Prob > chi2 = 0.280 (Robust, but weakened by many instruments.) Difference-in-Hansen tests of exogeneity of instrument subsets: gmm(L2.y, lag(3 .)) Hansen test excluding group: chi2(0) = 2.42 Prob > chi2 = . Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(2) = 0.13 Prob > chi2 = 0.939