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  • SEM estat teffects - standardized coefficient with error and 95%CI


    I have run a series of models using survey data with weights in the Stata SEM builder: vce(robust). I would like to get standardized direct, indirect and total effects with SE (and confidence interval if possible). The manual states that the standardized command "reports effects in standardized form, but standard errors of the standardized effects are not reported". Is there a way to access the standard errors?

    Thank you in advance to the Stata community for your time and consideration.

  • #2
    I have the same question. Did you figure out how to do this?


    • #3
      Standardize all your variables, and re-estimate the model. The command "stdBeta" from the SSC archive would be one way to do this.
      Doug Hemken
      SSCC, Univ. of Wisc.-Madison


      • #4
        Originally posted by Amber Savage View Post

        I have run a series of models using survey data with weights in the Stata SEM builder: vce(robust). I would like to get standardized direct, indirect and total effects with SE (and confidence interval if possible). The manual states that the standardized command "reports effects in standardized form, but standard errors of the standardized effects are not reported". Is there a way to access the standard errors?

        Thank you in advance to the Stata community for your time and consideration.
        just wondering if there's a better answer to this question in version 18?

