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Hi Haritima
In fact, it's the Antonio Galvao paper. Besides, the STAT tenure adviced me to use for example:
qregpd ln_wage tenure union l_ln_wage, id(idcode) fix(year)
I am wondering if you managed to sort out the code to successfully model a dynamic quantile regression with the presence of fixed effects. Did you use the IV command to deal with the lags or did you just add the dynamic lags into the model ignoring the fixed effects. Would appreciate any help!
I am trying to estimate a quantile regression in dynamic panel data model. I used the command syntax which was developed by Powell (2015). The syntax was as follows:
qregpd scoreofagencyconflicts lagscoreofagencyconflicts pc1-pc8, q(0.75) id(firmid) fix(time) optimize(mcmc) noisy draws(1000) burn(100) arate(.5) instruments(lag2scoreofagencyconflicts lagpc1-lagpc8)
mat list e(gamma)
qregpd scoreofagencyconflicts lagscoreofagencyconflicts pc1-pc8, q(0.25) id(firmid) fix(time) optimize(mcmc) noisy draws(1000) burn(100) arate(.5) instruments(lag2scoreofagencyconflicts lagpc1-lagpc8)
mat list e(gamma)
I used the lags of my regressors as instrumental variables. However, the results are really bizarre as all variables are extremely significant in the two models which made me quite suspicious.
Could you please advise whether I wrote the command syntax correctly or I am missing something?
Without any knowledge of the research question or the data, I would point out that if the MCMC draws "get stuck" away from the optimum, you can small standard errors. Have you tried using the default optimization of Nelder-Mead? I'd also say that the number of draws is on the "low" side, but there is no correct number of draws.
Also, a common root of many problems we hear about with -qregpd- is due to the usage of a large number of covariates. Again, there is no set number as to what is too many covariates, but the optimization is difficult. When you include upwards of 9 covariates, the optimization routine can be strained.
I would suggest trying the following:
* standard quantile regression with time effects
qreg scoreofagencyconflicts lagscoreofagencyconflicts pc1-pc8 i.time, q(0.25)
* qregpd without instrumenting: use MCMC to search for starting values by using the vector corresponding to the max obj function value
qregpd scoreofagencyconflicts lagscoreofagencyconflicts pc1-pc8, q(0.25) id(firmid) fix(time) noisy draws(1000) usemax
* qregpd without instrumenting: use MCMC with starting values from previous regression
qregpd scoreofagencyconflicts lagscoreofagencyconflicts pc1-pc8, q(0.25) id(firmid) fix(time) noisy draws(1000) from(e(b))
How do those results look?
Also, users of -qregpd- should note that MCMC and Nelder-Mead using a random number generator. So it is advised to set a seed before running regressions.
Thanks a lot indeed.
I also contacted Powell, who is the author of the qregpd command and he advised me, as you did, to increase the number of draws given that I have many covariates.
Thanks a lot again. Much appreciated
I was reading Galvao paper about quantile regression with dynamic panel data. I'm not sure if my question is a little bizarre. Galvao said in his paper that the bias for the dynamic panel quantile regression variable can be ameliorated through the instrumental variables, namely the lagged regressors yi tâ2 as instruments of yi tâ1,. Ok, but we know that we can do that only for the differenciated equation, which is not the case in the Galvao paper! the parameters estimation procedure is based on the minization of an objective function in level! I saw the same reasoning in other papers!!!
I missed something???? How can we use the Arellano-Bond instruments along with equation in level? Please any help?
I want to test whether the coefficient obtained from quantile regression model are equal to each other. For example, X1 is an explanatory variable.
[X1 from q(0.5)=X1 from q(0.75)].
This quantile wald test obtained from eviews easily, but 'eviews 10' estimates pooled quantile regression's wald test. I need fixed quantile or dynamic fixed quantile regression's wald test code.
If you use xtqreg with the ls option, you can test whether the variable has a significant coefficient in the scale function; if it has, you reject the null hypothesis that its coefficients do not vary across quantiles.