After trying outreg, outreg2, tabout, tab2xl, putexcel... I am pretty staggered on how to best export my cross-tabulations to Excel.
After using tab2 with my 49 variables with up to 9 categories, I am wondering how to best extract the result tables as shown below into excel including cell, row and column frequency as well as the stats? This by having every value in a separate excel cell and without the need to manually define every column and row.
Until now, my code simply looks like this:
Thank you very much! I guess there is a simple answer for the issue but until now, I only got error messages on every try.

After trying outreg, outreg2, tabout, tab2xl, putexcel... I am pretty staggered on how to best export my cross-tabulations to Excel.
After using tab2 with my 49 variables with up to 9 categories, I am wondering how to best extract the result tables as shown below into excel including cell, row and column frequency as well as the stats? This by having every value in a separate excel cell and without the need to manually define every column and row.
Until now, my code simply looks like this:
clear all insheet using "/Users/xxx/MA/Data/CSV/20161021_Categorization_without_NA.csv", delimiter(",") foreach var of varlist * { label variable `var' "`=`var'[1]'" replace `var'="" if _n==1 destring `var', replace } drop in 1/2 drop in 101/1177 drop v1 v2 v3 v17 v31 v35 v43 v64 v65 v66 v67 v68 v69 v70 v71 v72 v73 v74 v75 v76 v77 v78 v79 v80 v81 v82 v83 v84 log using /users/xxx/MA/Data/H1.txt, text replace tab2 v19 v20 v21 v23 v24 v25 v26 v27, chi2 lrchi2 column row cell wrap tab v27 v40, chi2 lrchi2 column row cell wrap tab2 v34 v44 v48 v50, chi2 lrchi2 cell wrap