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. aextlogit chosen home school distance vehicle, b nolog Conditional fixed-effects logistic regression Number of obs = 2197596 Group variable: sampno Number of groups = 998 Obs per group: min = 2202 avg = 2202.0 Log likelihood = -4418.7312 max = 2202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chosen | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- home | 1.998844 .103529 19.31 0.000 1.79593 2.201757 school | 4.66244 .126472 36.87 0.000 4.41456 4.910321 distance | -2.208651 .0699369 -31.58 0.000 -2.345724 -2.071577 vehicle | .171495 .0721387 2.38 0.017 .0301058 .3128842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Average (semi) elasticities of Pr(y=1|x,u) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chosen | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- home | 1.997936 .103482 19.31 0.000 1.795115 2.200757 school | 4.660323 .1264146 36.87 0.000 4.412555 4.908091 distance | -2.207648 .0699052 -31.58 0.000 -2.344659 -2.070636 vehicle | .1714171 .0721059 2.38 0.017 .0300921 .3127421 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Average of chosen = .00045413 (Number of obs = 2197596)
. qui xtlogit trans $cov_pov_risk2 i.wave i.country if insample==1, fe vce(bootstrap) . margins, dydx($cov_pov_risk2) post Average marginal effects Number of obs = 9,474 Model VCE: Bootstrap Expression: Pr(trans|fixed effect is 0), predict(pu0) dy/dx wrt: pov_risk_t_1 educ male0 2.age_grp 3.age_grp 4.age_grp 5.age_grp 6.age_grp hhsize_eqh_sr sphus_poor 2.work_type 3.work_type 2.marital_status 3.marital_status hhmemb_work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Delta-method | dy/dx std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- pov_risk_t_1 | -.0184606 .0098897 -1.87 0.062 -.037844 .0009227 educ | 0 (omitted) male0 | 0 (omitted) | age_grp | 55-59yo | . (not estimable) 60-64yo | . (not estimable) 65-69yo | . (not estimable) 70-74yo | . (not estimable) 75+yo | . (not estimable) | hhsize_eqh_sr | -.0426886 .0329658 -1.29 0.195 -.1073004 .0219233 sphus_poor | -.0000665 .0056464 -0.01 0.991 -.0111333 .0110003 | work_type | 2. Public sector employee | . (not estimable) 3. Self-employed | . (not estimable) | marital_status | 2. Never married | . (not estimable) 3. Divorced/widowed | . (not estimable) | hhmemb_work | .219421 .0747288 2.94 0.003 .0729554 .3658867 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
. aextlogit trans $cov_pov_risk2 i.wave i.country if insample==1, vce(cl mergeid) note: multiple positive outcomes within groups encountered. note: 17,997 groups (30,530 obs) omitted because of all positive or all negative outcomes. note: educ omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 1.male0 omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 12.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 13.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 14.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 15.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 16.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 17.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 18.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 19.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 23.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 28.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 29.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 31.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 32.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 33.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 34.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 35.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 47.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 48.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 51.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 53.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 55.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 57.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 59.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 61.country omitted because of no within-group variance. note: 63.country omitted because of no within-group variance. Iteration 0: Log pseudolikelihood = -690.60966 Iteration 1: Log pseudolikelihood = -362.32573 Iteration 2: Log pseudolikelihood = -317.67908 Iteration 3: Log pseudolikelihood = -316.07311 Iteration 4: Log pseudolikelihood = -316.0633 Iteration 5: Log pseudolikelihood = -316.0633 Conditional fixed-effects logistic regression Number of obs = 9474 Group variable: panel Number of groups = 3396 Obs per group: min = 2 avg = 2.8 Log likelihood = -316.0633 max = 6 Average (semi) elasticities of Pr(y=1|x,u) (Std. err. adjusted for 3,396 clusters in mergeid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Robust trans | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- pov_risk_t_1 | -.5747288 .2290313 -2.51 0.012 -1.023622 -.1258358 educ | 0 (omitted) 1.male0 | 0 (omitted) | age_grp | 55-59yo | -.7974483 .5122496 -1.56 0.120 -1.801439 .2065426 60-64yo | .314952 .5661015 0.56 0.578 -.7945865 1.42449 65-69yo | 1.547367 .6606971 2.34 0.019 .2524245 2.842309 70-74yo | -.001874 .7274934 -0.00 0.998 -1.427735 1.423987 75+yo | -1.910432 .8650688 -2.21 0.027 -3.605935 -.2149279 | hhsize_eqh_sr | -1.329011 .6351388 -2.09 0.036 -2.57386 -.0841617 sphus_poor | -.0020709 .2089311 -0.01 0.992 -.4115682 .4074265 | work_type | 2. Public sector employee | -.5654131 .3649396 -1.55 0.121 -1.280682 .1498554 3. Self-employed | -.5671904 .7642716 -0.74 0.458 -2.065135 .9307543 | marital_status | 2. Never married | .9879512 .6608452 1.49 0.135 -.3072815 2.283184 3. Divorced/widowed | 1.362225 .6392871 2.13 0.033 .1092452 2.615205 | 1.hhmemb_work | 6.831168 .7453935 9.16 0.000 5.370224 8.292113 | wave | Wave 4 (2011/12) | 3.621432 .4230681 8.56 0.000 2.792234 4.45063 Wave 5 (2013) | 5.96335 .5746864 10.38 0.000 4.836986 7.089715 Wave 6 (2015) | 8.174807 .6702245 12.20 0.000 6.861191 9.488423 Wave 7 (2017/18) | 10.30982 .7512174 13.72 0.000 8.837458 11.78218 Wave 8 (2019/20) | 13.06 .8502479 15.36 0.000 11.39354 14.72645 | country | Germany | 0 (omitted) Sweden | 0 (omitted) Netherlands | 0 (omitted) Spain | 0 (omitted) Italy | 0 (omitted) France | 0 (omitted) Denmark | 0 (omitted) Greece | 0 (omitted) Belgium | 0 (omitted) Czech Republic | 0 (omitted) Poland | 0 (omitted) Luxembourg | 0 (omitted) Hungary | 0 (empty) Portugal | 0 (empty) Slovenia | 0 (omitted) Estonia | 0 (omitted) Croatia | 0 (omitted) Lithuania | 0 (empty) Bulgaria | 0 (empty) Cyprus | 0 (empty) Finland | 0 (empty) Latvia | 0 (empty) Malta | 0 (empty) Romania | 0 (empty) Slovakia | 0 (empty) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average of trans = .15548445 (Number of obs = 40004)