For example: xtabond2 Y Ylag X1 X2 X3 ... Xn gmm(X1 X2 X3...Xn) iv(Z) small robust
Can someone explain exogenous variables in ivstyle(Z) please? what is the relationship between Z and Y? Can Z be some independent variables (X1 to Xn) used in the main equation?
If Y is return on asset ROA (firm's specific) can i put GDP or interest rate as strict exogenous variables ?
thank you
Can someone explain exogenous variables in ivstyle(Z) please? what is the relationship between Z and Y? Can Z be some independent variables (X1 to Xn) used in the main equation?
If Y is return on asset ROA (firm's specific) can i put GDP or interest rate as strict exogenous variables ?
thank you