Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to generate Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) by alcohol-use cohort groups.
I am using Stata/SE14.1.
my dataset looks like this.
I am trying to run what I hope could be a way to generate SMRs by cohort group using the command
the eurostandpop is the european standard population 2013 (
However, this command seems to return the error
Would appreciate any help with helping me obtain SMRs for the alcohol cohort groups with stptime by solving the above or any other suitable advice or commands.
Thank you in advance for your kind help.
Yours truly,
I am trying to generate Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) by alcohol-use cohort groups.
I am using Stata/SE14.1.
my dataset looks like this.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long patid byte(gender cohort) float indexdate int exitdate byte(death _st _d) double(_origin _t) byte _t0 20767109 1 4 18079.32 20426 0 1 0 18079.3203125 6.425034737432921 0 27783206 1 4 17349.32 20446 0 1 0 17349.3203125 8.478479048023218 0 11762154 1 4 5296.32 12075 0 1 0 5296.31982421875 18.559522987025655 0 2611322 1 3 -3104.68 20447 0 1 0 -3104.679931640625 64.48275088062815 0 55991525 1 4 18079.32 20439 0 1 0 18079.3203125 6.460627772149819 0 9637473 1 2 13331.32 20439 0 1 0 13331.3203125 19.460299221060126 0 22185415 1 1 17714.32 18197 0 1 0 17714.3203125 1.3215411441791698 0 3041518 1 3 15888.32 19015 0 1 0 15888.3203125 8.56061682044683 0 7268556 1 4 1643.32 19785 0 1 0 1643.3199462890625 49.670572921122925 0 12960427 1 3 13696.32 18415 0 1 0 13696.3203125 12.919394610393166 0 end format %td indexdate format %td exitdate label values gender genderlab label def genderlab 1 "male", modify label values cohort cohortlab label def cohortlab 1 "lifetime-abstainer", modify label def cohortlab 2 "low-risk", modify label def cohortlab 3 "hazardous", modify label def cohortlab 4 "AUD", modify label values death yesnolab label def yesnolab 0 "no", modify
I am trying to run what I hope could be a way to generate SMRs by cohort group using the command
stptime, by(cohort) per(1000) smr(age popdist) using(analysis/eurostandpop)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte age int pop double popdist 15 5500 .06547619047619048 20 6000 .07142857142857143 25 6000 .07142857142857143 30 6500 .07738095238095238 35 7000 .08333333333333333 40 7000 .08333333333333333 45 7000 .08333333333333333 50 7000 .08333333333333333 55 6500 .07738095238095238 60 6000 .07142857142857143 65 5500 .06547619047619048 70 5000 .05952380952380952 75 4000 .047619047619047616 80 2500 .02976190476190476 85 1500 .017857142857142856 90 800 .009523809523809525 95 200 .002380952380952381 end
However, this command seems to return the error
using data not sorted r(5);
Thank you in advance for your kind help.
Yours truly,