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  • #31
    In case the regular .smcl file is not enough, I now attach the log file with set traced 3, which is the smallest # levels that shows code between the "Part A" comment and the error. The error is in "rundoc" as opposed to "markdoc" and this is the offending command and output:

        - qui file open `doc' using "`documentation'", write replace
        = qui file open __000003 using "C:\Users\AALEXA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_1v000004.tmp"
    > , write replace
    file C:\Users\AALEXA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_1v000004.tmp cannot be modified or erased;
        likely cause is read-only directory or file
    I will be happy to do a re-install and/or test on another Windows machine. What is the preferred complete re-installation of the latest release? But it sounds like you have not done any testing on Windows or did you test "" on Windows?

    1. I have no error running your code on Mac
    Since you are a university professor, you should have temporary access to a Windows PC. Therefore, maybe you can test run on a Windows machine in addition to a Mac before posting a new release? If you have tested the code on Windows, please state so and I will be less inclined to report a new bug before more thorough testing. My apologies if you already stated this somewhere.
    Attached Files


    • #32
      haghish According to a long old previous thread, replace should not be used with temporary files.


      • #33
        I still haven't worked on the problem you are facing. But rundoc.ado was totally changed yesterday to improve the program. I wonder if the new program already solves your problem. install version 3.9.2

        github install haghish/markdoc
        E. F. Haghish, IMBI, University of Freiburg
        [email protected]


        • #34
          Thanks. Here is more background on replace with tempfile:

          github install gives an error message, I cannot do github uninstall to first uninstall markdoc, and the net install as used in your original posting still has version 3.9.1. What did I miss?

          . github install haghish/markdoc
          checking markdoc consistency and verifying not already installed...
          the following files already exist and are different:
          no files installed or copied
          (no action taken)
          . github uninstall haghish/markdoc
          varlist not allowed
          .  net install markdoc, replace  from("
          > master/")
          checking markdoc consistency and verifying not already installed...
          the following files will be replaced:
          installing into c:\ado\plus\...
          installation complete.


          • #35
            the correct command is:

            github uninstall markdoc
            you can also type:

            ado uninstall markdoc
            it seems your github package is ald... perhaps you need to update it too:

            E. F. Haghish, IMBI, University of Freiburg
            [email protected]


            • #36
              Alright, so this is what I was afraid of. Now I have access to Windows 10 and Stata 14.2 and there is no bug with MarkDoc at all... I can run your examples with the newest version of MarkDoc.

              If your bug remains - which I hope it is solved - please start a new thread so that we can address the particular problem you're facing, since this thread has become very far from MarkDoc GUI and Manual. But I hope you won't get that bug anymore with Stata Journal style
              E. F. Haghish, IMBI, University of Freiburg
              [email protected]


              • #37
                Version 3.9.2 works on the mini-test in post #30 so there is hope also for Windows Stata style users. Thanks!! But first a bunch of grumbles:

                Both suggestions for uninstalling resulted in error message:
                criterion matches more than one package
                The reason is that the GitHub installation created duplicate entries in my stata.trk file.
                Following the advice here, I manually removed the duplicate entries in stata.trk. I was then able to uninstall the remaining version of markdoc. I also had to manually delete markdown.ado. This is clearly something a user should not have to do. Related GitHub issues are discussed in your post here. There needs to be an easy way to install, uninstall, and reinstall software from GitHub and I am not sure if there is a consensus yet?

                I could then re-install markdoc but did I install version 3.9.1 or 3.9.2?
                . github install haghish/markdoc, version(3.9.2)
                installs the new 3.9.2 according to stata.trk:
                S C:\Users\aalexandersson\Documents\markdoc-3.9.2
                N markdoc.pkg
                D 30 Nov 2016
                U 82
                d 'MARKDOC': module for literate programming
                d  MarkDoc is a general-purpose literate programming package for Stata that produces
                d dynamic analysis documents or package documentation in various formats (pdf,
                d docx, html, odt, epub, markdown), dynamic presentation slides (pdf, slidy,
                d dzslide), as well as dynamic Stata help files (sthlp, smcl).
                d KW: Markdown
                d KW: smcl
                d KW: sthlp
                d KW: docx
                d KW: pdf
                d KW: html
                d KW: odt
                d KW: epub
                d KW: slide
                d KW: slidy
                d KW: dzslide
                d KW: translator
                d KW: convertor
                d KW: literate programming
                d KW: dynamic documents
                d KW: reproducible research
                d Requires: Stata version 11 and weaver from SSC (q.v.)
                d Distribution-Date: 20161016
                d Author: E.F. Haghish, University of Freiburg
                d Support: email
                f a\abspath.ado
                f m\markdoc.ado
                f m\markdoc.dlg
                f m\markdoc.sthlp
                f m\markdoccheck.ado
                f m\markdocversion.ado
                f m\markdocpandoc.ado
                f m\markdocstyle.ado
                f m\markdocwkhtmltopdf.ado
                f m\markup.ado
                f p\pandoc.ado
                f p\pandoc.sthlp
                f r\rundoc.ado
                f s\sthlp.ado
                f w\wkhtmltopdf.ado
                f w\wkhtmltopdf.sthlp
                f m\markdoc_stata.docx
                f m\markdoc_simple.docx
                But the second line in C:\ado\plus\m\markdoc.ado says the version is still 3.9.1:
                Version: 3.9.1
                Also, if you do not specify the version like I did, then the github install output does not indicate the markdoc version but version 3.9.1 is still installed, according to markdoc.ado. How do I verify I am using version 3.9.2 since stata.trk shows 3.9.2 but markdoc.ado shows 3.9.1? To make confusing versions worse, version 3.9.2 of markdoc supposedly changed rundoc.ado but rundoc.ado has no version! Enough of grumbles:

                My mini do-file now actually works. It will be a very quick cosmetic fix the two version numbers. I am now running my equivalent "" file and will soon report if there are any other issues.


                • #38
                  Earlier when I put the command for installing Markdoc, I added a "force" option to it, without knowing that this option can corrupt the trk file. This problem was solved several weeks ago. So update your github package and then you can reinstall MarkDoc for infinite amount of times without a problem.

                  You have installed 3.9.2. Glad to hear your bug was fixed.

                  E. F. Haghish, IMBI, University of Freiburg
                  [email protected]


                  • #39
                    Here are my concluding thoughts for this thread. I have mixed feelings.

                    The original posting "MarkDoc Manual + GUI" was version 3.7.2. There have been 20 point releases since then (i.e., 3.7.3-3.9.2), not counting the latest announcement "MarkDoc 3.9.3 : Dynamic text made easier". My postings were mostly problems reports of the program.

                    1) The manual and GUI are useful new features.
                    2) I reported three problems (error from invalid UTF-8, no toc in tex, error using backslash in tex with stata style on Windows). The first two problems were fixed quickly.
                    3) GitHub is useful for accessing development releases.

                    1) The third more complex problem of not being able to use a backslash on Windows in the stata style still remains . The latest bug fix enables two comments again but only works for the simple example that I provided. I stayed in the thread as is custom unless told otherwise. I would have been happy to open a new thread or take the discussion off-list at any point. As requested, I will open a new post for bug reports of MarkDoc. I will be happy to continue the bug resolving off the list if you prefer. I volunteer to send my equivalent "" file off list instead of additional overly simplified examples.
                    2) The original posting should have made clear that the new manual and GUI were based on an "unstable/development" release, rather than on a "testing/SSC-quality" release. I am still not convinced that installing a separate version from SSC and a separate version from GitHub will not mess up stata.trk again.
                    3) MarkDoc are still missing some useful basic features. I mentioned that "Address" does not allow for "City, State/Country" if it is used for email address. Another basic feature in Pandoc but missing in Markdown is footnotes.


                    • #40
                      The dialog box is easier to use than version released in 20 April 2016. Great Job! haghish

