so this time I have a graph with two Y-axis scales. But the second scale seems very small. As shown down. I can't use rescale. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance a lot!!

twoway line flowUE unempr year, sort clpattern(1 shortdash) ///
clcolor(black black) ///
legend(row(2) col(1) pos(11) order(1 "Job Finding Rate (UE)" 2 "Unemployment Rate") ///
ring(0) size(medsmall) region(lc(white)) ) graphregion(color(white)) ///
yaxis(1 2) ytitle(Annual Transition Rate) ///
ylabel(0(0.05)0.5, nogrid angle(horizontal)) xscale(titlegap(3)) ///
xtitle(Years) ylabel(, axis(2) angle(horizontal)) ///
ylabel(0 "0" 0.02 "0.02" 0.04 "0.04" 0.06 "0.06" 0.08 "0.08", axis(2)) ///
ytitle(Fraction of Labor Force, axis(2)) ///
yscale(titlegap(3) axis(2)) yscale(titlegap(3) axis(1)) ///
title(Figure 5)
so this time I have a graph with two Y-axis scales. But the second scale seems very small. As shown down. I can't use rescale. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance a lot!!
twoway line flowUE unempr year, sort clpattern(1 shortdash) ///
clcolor(black black) ///
legend(row(2) col(1) pos(11) order(1 "Job Finding Rate (UE)" 2 "Unemployment Rate") ///
ring(0) size(medsmall) region(lc(white)) ) graphregion(color(white)) ///
yaxis(1 2) ytitle(Annual Transition Rate) ///
ylabel(0(0.05)0.5, nogrid angle(horizontal)) xscale(titlegap(3)) ///
xtitle(Years) ylabel(, axis(2) angle(horizontal)) ///
ylabel(0 "0" 0.02 "0.02" 0.04 "0.04" 0.06 "0.06" 0.08 "0.08", axis(2)) ///
ytitle(Fraction of Labor Force, axis(2)) ///
yscale(titlegap(3) axis(2)) yscale(titlegap(3) axis(1)) ///
title(Figure 5)