Dear Statalists,
I am looking for hints how to handle my data structure: my dependent variable is a fractional response variable (interval 0 to 1, 0 included) and my data has a panel structure with t(29). To account for the autoregressive order of the data structure, is it possible to extend the command used by Papke and Woolridge (200) by
xtgee dv ivs, fam(binomial) link(logit) vce(robust) i(policysector) t(year) corr(ar1)
I seek to find a way to model my data without using a lagged dependent variable, would this be the right way? Also I am not sure about the usage of lagged independent variables with this model. I am greatful for any help.
Best, Elisabeth
I am looking for hints how to handle my data structure: my dependent variable is a fractional response variable (interval 0 to 1, 0 included) and my data has a panel structure with t(29). To account for the autoregressive order of the data structure, is it possible to extend the command used by Papke and Woolridge (200) by
xtgee dv ivs, fam(binomial) link(logit) vce(robust) i(policysector) t(year) corr(ar1)
I seek to find a way to model my data without using a lagged dependent variable, would this be the right way? Also I am not sure about the usage of lagged independent variables with this model. I am greatful for any help.
Best, Elisabeth