I have hourly household consumption (and outdoor temperature) data for two years which I need to import into Stata. The example of my data set:
However, Stata requires a different format of the data. So, my data set should look like this:
The problem is that I do not know how to reshape the data. I tried the “reshape” and “stack” commands in Stata, but it did not help. I cannot find any Excel functions that transform the data into the format I need either. The point is that I basically need to combine multiple columns into one, but the functions/commands I have found so far generally do “rows-to-columns” or “columns-to-rows” transformation.
So, I was wondering if anyone here knew how to do the transformation above. I will appreciate any help.
Thank you.
I have hourly household consumption (and outdoor temperature) data for two years which I need to import into Stata. The example of my data set:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year str2(month day hour) float(outdoor_temp hh1 hh2 hh3 hh4) 2017 "01" "01" "00" .7 .34 .75 .24 .25 2017 "01" "01" "01" .1 .28 .77 .7 .24 2017 "01" "01" "02" .16 .73 .79 .6 .32 2017 "01" "01" "03" .75 .7 .51 .8 .88 2017 "01" "01" "04" .41 .16 .55 .28 .41 2017 "01" "01" "05" .58 .48 .2 .39 .24 2017 "01" "01" "06" .42 .62 .69 .08 .1 2017 "01" "01" "07" .28 .16 .96 .31 .65 2017 "01" "01" "08" .91 .09 .77 .45 .71 2017 "01" "01" "09" .7 .5 .07 .46 .38 2017 "01" "01" "10" .08 .33 .95 .94 0 2017 "01" "01" "11" .38 .01 .43 .34 .13 2017 "01" "01" "12" .87 .6 .82 .2 .69 2017 "01" "01" "13" .89 .03 .11 .72 .31 2017 "01" "01" "14" .14 .73 .09 .51 .13 2017 "01" "01" "15" .45 .27 .23 .21 .52 2017 "01" "01" "16" .32 .38 .07 .1 .06 2017 "01" "01" "17" 1 .48 .16 .77 .44 2017 "01" "01" "18" .78 .49 1 .76 .55 2017 "01" "01" "19" .24 .08 .36 .89 .9 2017 "01" "01" "20" .54 .42 .69 .73 .45 2017 "01" "01" "21" .82 .36 .33 .3 .24 2017 "01" "01" "22" .94 .72 .65 .26 .36 2017 "01" "01" "23" .83 .82 .66 .64 .51 end
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte hh int year str2(month day hour) float(consumption outdoor_temp) 1 2017 "01" "01" "00" .34 .7 1 2017 "01" "01" "01" .28 .1 1 2017 "01" "01" "02" .73 .16 1 2017 "01" "01" "03" .7 .75 1 2017 "01" "01" "04" .16 .41 1 2017 "01" "01" "05" .48 .58 1 2017 "01" "01" "06" .62 .42 1 2017 "01" "01" "07" .16 .28 1 2017 "01" "01" "08" .09 .91 1 2017 "01" "01" "09" .5 .7 1 2017 "01" "01" "10" .33 .08 1 2017 "01" "01" "11" .01 .38 1 2017 "01" "01" "12" .6 .87 1 2017 "01" "01" "13" .03 .89 1 2017 "01" "01" "14" .73 .14 1 2017 "01" "01" "15" .27 .45 1 2017 "01" "01" "16" .38 .32 1 2017 "01" "01" "17" .48 1 1 2017 "01" "01" "18" .49 .78 1 2017 "01" "01" "19" .08 .24 1 2017 "01" "01" "20" .42 .54 1 2017 "01" "01" "21" .36 .82 1 2017 "01" "01" "22" .72 .94 1 2017 "01" "01" "23" .82 .83 2 2017 "01" "01" "00" .75 .7 2 2017 "01" "01" "01" .77 .1 2 2017 "01" "01" "02" .79 .16 2 2017 "01" "01" "03" .51 .75 2 2017 "01" "01" "04" .55 .41 2 2017 "01" "01" "05" .2 .58 2 2017 "01" "01" "06" .69 .42 2 2017 "01" "01" "07" .96 .28 2 2017 "01" "01" "08" .77 .91 2 2017 "01" "01" "09" .07 .7 2 2017 "01" "01" "10" .95 .08 2 2017 "01" "01" "11" .43 .38 2 2017 "01" "01" "12" .82 .87 2 2017 "01" "01" "13" .11 .89 2 2017 "01" "01" "14" .09 .14 2 2017 "01" "01" "15" .23 .45 2 2017 "01" "01" "16" .07 .32 2 2017 "01" "01" "17" .16 1 2 2017 "01" "01" "18" 1 .78 2 2017 "01" "01" "19" .36 .24 2 2017 "01" "01" "20" .69 .54 2 2017 "01" "01" "21" .33 .82 2 2017 "01" "01" "22" .65 .94 2 2017 "01" "01" "23" .66 .83 3 2017 "01" "01" "00" .24 .7 3 2017 "01" "01" "01" .7 .1 3 2017 "01" "01" "02" .6 .16 3 2017 "01" "01" "03" .8 .75 3 2017 "01" "01" "04" .28 .41 3 2017 "01" "01" "05" .39 .58 3 2017 "01" "01" "06" .08 .42 3 2017 "01" "01" "07" .31 .28 3 2017 "01" "01" "08" .45 .91 3 2017 "01" "01" "09" .46 .7 3 2017 "01" "01" "10" .94 .08 3 2017 "01" "01" "11" .34 .38 3 2017 "01" "01" "12" .2 .87 3 2017 "01" "01" "13" .72 .89 3 2017 "01" "01" "14" .51 .14 3 2017 "01" "01" "15" .21 .45 3 2017 "01" "01" "16" .1 .32 3 2017 "01" "01" "17" .77 1 3 2017 "01" "01" "18" .76 .78 3 2017 "01" "01" "19" .89 .24 3 2017 "01" "01" "20" .73 .54 3 2017 "01" "01" "21" .3 .82 3 2017 "01" "01" "22" .26 .94 3 2017 "01" "01" "23" .64 .83 4 2017 "01" "01" "00" .25 .7 4 2017 "01" "01" "01" .24 .1 4 2017 "01" "01" "02" .32 .16 4 2017 "01" "01" "03" .88 .75 4 2017 "01" "01" "04" .41 .41 4 2017 "01" "01" "05" .24 .58 4 2017 "01" "01" "06" .1 .42 4 2017 "01" "01" "07" .65 .28 4 2017 "01" "01" "08" .71 .91 4 2017 "01" "01" "09" .38 .7 4 2017 "01" "01" "10" 0 .08 4 2017 "01" "01" "11" .13 .38 4 2017 "01" "01" "12" .69 .87 4 2017 "01" "01" "13" .31 .89 4 2017 "01" "01" "14" .13 .14 4 2017 "01" "01" "15" .52 .45 4 2017 "01" "01" "16" .06 .32 4 2017 "01" "01" "17" .44 1 4 2017 "01" "01" "18" .55 .78 4 2017 "01" "01" "19" .9 .24 4 2017 "01" "01" "20" .45 .54 4 2017 "01" "01" "21" .24 .82 4 2017 "01" "01" "22" .36 .94 4 2017 "01" "01" "23" .51 .83 end
The problem is that I do not know how to reshape the data. I tried the “reshape” and “stack” commands in Stata, but it did not help. I cannot find any Excel functions that transform the data into the format I need either. The point is that I basically need to combine multiple columns into one, but the functions/commands I have found so far generally do “rows-to-columns” or “columns-to-rows” transformation.
So, I was wondering if anyone here knew how to do the transformation above. I will appreciate any help.
Thank you.