I am trying to unzip a set of zip files using -unzipfile- in a loop and all files unzip successfully except one. I found out that one file is actually a zipx file. Why I try to unzip this problematic file with the trace on, I get the output below. 7-Zip or Windows can open the file. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue that is specific to the program that Stata uses for unzipping, and if I should report it somehow.
. unzipfile 199703.zip, replace -------------------------------------------------------------------- begin unzipfile --- - version 11.0 - syntax anything[, replace] - gettoken ZipFileName rest : anything - if (`"`rest'"' != "") { = if (`""' != "") { di as error "invalid syntax" exit 198 } - if (`"`replace'"' != "") { = if (`"replace"' != "") { - local overwrite "overwrite" - } - mata : zipfile_cmd() error unzipping file: 9703.dat could not perform unzip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- end unzipfile --- r(601);