Dear all,
I encounter a problem while running Stata, and have not found any other post related to it. For replication of the problem, Im including here a toydataset of my main data, for which the problem persists.
As you can see, when using the i.citizen, even i find a regression for which the variable is not dropped, as it should be, since there is no variation in citizen.
While i can avoid the problem just excluding this variable, i think it requires some attention.
Thank you
I encounter a problem while running Stata, and have not found any other post related to it. For replication of the problem, Im including here a toydataset of my main data, for which the problem persists.
sum Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- sex | 4,319 1.463302 .4987092 1 2 citizen | 4,319 0 0 0 0 wtf | 4,319 3125.397 1704.387 270.8347 13390.37 tran4 | 4,319 .0754804 .2641956 0 1 . reg tran4 i.citizen sex [pw=wtf] (sum of wgt is 1.3499e+07) Linear regression Number of obs = 4,319 F(1, 4316) = . Prob > F = . R-squared = 0.0003 Root MSE = .2612 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust tran4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- citizen | NIU | .0091304 .0016563 5.51 0.000 .0058833 .0123775 sex | -.0084173 .0090477 -0.93 0.352 -.0261555 .0093208 _cons | .0767286 .0073079 10.50 0.000 .0624013 .0910559 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While i can avoid the problem just excluding this variable, i think it requires some attention.
Thank you