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  • Panel data: Time series average over cross-sectional correlation matrix

    Hi Guys,

    I am desperately trying to find an approach to the following problem:
    • I have panel data sorted by company and month.
    • In order to extend an existing paper, I have to generate a time-series average over monthly cross-sectional correlations between variables used in a pricing regression
    This is related to the time-series average of cross-sectional regression coeff., as proposed by Fama/MacBeth (1973), but unfortunately the -xtfmb-command is not useful in this context, as I am only looking for the correlation coefficients, not the regression coefficients.

    For a set of variables (e.g. return, size, book-to-market) I need to generate a correlation matrix, which averages each month's correlation coefficient over a longer time-series.
    var1 var2 var3
    var1 1
    var2 avg. var1/2 correlation coeff. 1
    var3 avg. var1/3 correlation coeff. avg. var2/3 correlation coeff. 1
    It looks so easy, but I have spend two days thinking of and researching for possible approaches and I have failed, hence, I would really appreciate any help.

    Thank you,


  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist!

    Is something like the following what you have in mind?

    . * get two variables to correlate
    . webuse nlswork, clear
    (National Longitudinal Survey.  Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
    . keep idcode year ln_wage ttl_exp
    . keep if inlist(year,83,85,87)
    (22,298 observations deleted)
    . * for each year 
    . foreach y in 83 85 87 {
      2.     * calculate correlation matrix
    .     correlate ln_wage ttl_exp if year==`y'
      3.         * calculate running total of the correlation matrices
    .         if `y'==83 {
      4.             matrix sum = r(C)
      5.                 }
      6.         else {
      7.             matrix sum = sum + r(C)
      8.                 }
      9.         }
                 |  ln_wage  ttl_exp
         ln_wage |   1.0000
         ttl_exp |   0.3890   1.0000
                 |  ln_wage  ttl_exp
         ln_wage |   1.0000
         ttl_exp |   0.4149   1.0000
                 |  ln_wage  ttl_exp
         ln_wage |   1.0000
         ttl_exp |   0.4318   1.0000
    . * what have we got?
    . matrix list sum
    symmetric sum[2,2]
               ln_wage    ttl_exp
    ln_wage          3
    ttl_exp  1.2357678          3
    . * divide by the number of years
    . matrix avg = sum / 3
    . matrix list avg
    symmetric avg[2,2]
              ln_wage   ttl_exp
    ln_wage         1
    ttl_exp  .4119226         1


    • #3
      William answered before I refreshed my browser, but I have a similar solution:

      webuse grunfeld, clear
      mat drop _all
      levelsof company, local(C)      //get list of companies to loop thru
      local i= `:word count `C''          //total number of companies
      mat A=J(3, 3, 0)                //make an empty matrix--Change if more variables
      foreach c of local C {
          corr invest mvalue kstock if company==`c'  //corr if company==c
          mat C=r(C)                    //get the corr matrix
          mat A= A + C                //add it to A (running sum)
      mat MC= A / `i'                    //divide the sum by # of companies to get average
      mat list MC
      ****turn the matrix into Stata data****
      svmat MC, names(col)
      **add a string variable vars with name of variables
      gen vars=""
      order vars, first
      local v: rownames MC
      local i= `:word count `v''
      forvalues k= 1/`i' {
          replace vars= `"`:word `k' of `v''"' in `k'
      Stata/MP 14.1 (64-bit x86-64)
      Revision 19 May 2016
      Win 8.1


      • #4
        Hi William & Carole,

        Thank you so much for your answers, I am up for trying to understand them as soon as I get up tomorrow. A lot of Stata for today Already looking forward to try your options!


        • #5
          Just built it into my file. Works awesome!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Carole J. Wilson View Post
            William answered before I refreshed my browser, but I have a similar solution:

            webuse grunfeld, clear
            mat drop _all
            levelsof company, local(C) //get list of companies to loop thru
            local i= `:word count `C'' //total number of companies
            mat A=J(3, 3, 0) //make an empty matrix--Change if more variables
            foreach c of local C {
            corr invest mvalue kstock if company==`c' //corr if company==c
            mat C=r(C) //get the corr matrix
            mat A= A + C //add it to A (running sum)
            mat MC= A / `i' //divide the sum by # of companies to get average
            mat list MC
            ****turn the matrix into Stata data****
            svmat MC, names(col)
            **add a string variable vars with name of variables
            gen vars=""
            order vars, first
            local v: rownames MC
            local i= `:word count `v''
            forvalues k= 1/`i' {
            replace vars= `"`:word `k' of `v''"' in `k'
            Hey Carole,
            your code works great! However, in some years there are missing value in my panel dataset, and the code just stop working.
            I try to change corr to pwcorr and in the end end up with an empty matrix. Do you have any ideas how I can deal with this problem

