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  • Stata Modules - Spatial Econometrics Regression Models

    *** Stata Modules for Spatial Econometrics Regression Models:
    *** (1) Spatial Panel Data Regression Models:
    spregxt            Spatial Panel Regression Models: Econometric Toolkit
    gs2slsxt           Generalized Spatial Panel 2SLS Regression
    gs2slsarxt         Generalized Spatial Panel Autoregressive 2SLS Regression
    spglsxt            Spatial Panel Autoregressive Generalized Least Squares Regression
    spgmmxt            Spatial Panel Autoregressive Generalized Method of Moments Regression
    spmstarxt          (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Panel Models
    spmstardxt         (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Panel Models
    spmstardhxt        (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Panel
    spmstarhxt         (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Panel Models
    spregdhp           Spatial Panel Han-Philips Linear Dynamic Regression: Lag & Durbin
    spregdpd           Spatial Panel Arellano-Bond Linear Dynamic Regression: Lag & Durbin
    spregfext          Spatial Panel Fixed Effects Regression: Lag & Durbin Models
    spregrext          Spatial Panel Random Effects Regression: Lag & Durbin Models
    spregsacxt         MLE Spatial AutoCorrelation Panel Regression (SAC)
    spregsarxt         MLE Spatial Lag Panel Regression (SAR)
    spregsdmxt         MLE Spatial Durbin Panel Regression (SDM)
    spregsemxt         MLE Spatial Error Panel Regression (SEM)
    *** (2) Spatial Cross Section Regression Models:
    spregcs            Spatial Cross Section Regression Models: Econometric Toolkit
    gs2sls             Generalized Spatial 2SLS Cross Sections Regression
    gs2slsar           Generalized Spatial Autoregressive 2SLS Cross Sections Regression
    gs3sls             Generalized Spatial Autoregressive 3SLS Regression
    gs3slsar           Generalized Spatial Autoregressive 3SLS Cross Sections Regression
    gsp3sls            Generalized Spatial 3SLS Cross Sections Regression
    spautoreg          Spatial Cross Section Regression Models
    spgmm              Spatial Autoregressive GMM Cross Sections Regression
    spmstar            (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Cross Sections Models
    spmstard           (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Cross Sections Models
    spmstardh          (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Cross Sections Models
    spmstarh           (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Cross Sections
    spregsac           MLE Spatial AutoCorrelation Cross Sections Regression (SAC)
    spregsar           MLE Spatial Lag Cross Sections Regression (SAR)
    spregsdm           MLE Spatial Durbin Cross Sections Regression (SDM)
    spregsem           MLE Spatial Error Cross Sections Regression (SEM)
    *** (3) Tobit Spatial Regression Models:
    *** (3-1) Tobit Spatial Panel Data Regression Models:
    sptobitgmmxt       Tobit Spatial GMM Panel Regression
    sptobitmstarxt     Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Panel Models
    sptobitmstardxt    Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Panel Models
    sptobitmstardhxt   Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Panel
    sptobitmstarhxt    Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Panel
    sptobitsacxt       Tobit MLE Spatial AutoCorrelation (SAC) Panel Regression
    sptobitsarxt       Tobit MLE Spatial Lag Panel Regression
    sptobitsdmxt       Tobit MLE Spatial Panel Durbin Regression
    sptobitsemxt       Tobit MLE Spatial Error Panel Regression
    spxttobit          Tobit Spatial Panel Autoregressive GLS Regression
    *** (3-2) Tobit Spatial Cross Section Regression Models:
    sptobitgmm         Tobit Spatial GMM Cross Sections Regression
    sptobitmstar       Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Cross Sections Models
    sptobitmstard      Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Cross Sections Models
    sptobitmstardh     Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Durbin Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity CS
    sptobitmstarh      Tobit (m-STAR) Spatial Lag Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity CS
    sptobitsac         Tobit MLE AutoCorrelation (SAC) Cross Sections Regression
    sptobitsar         Tobit MLE Spatial Lag Cross Sections Regression
    sptobitsdm         Tobit MLE Spatial Durbin Cross Sections Regression
    sptobitsem         Tobit MLE Spatial Error Cross Sections Regression
    *** (4) Spatial Weight Matrix:
    spcs2xt            Convert Cross Section to Panel Spatial Weight Matrix
    spweight           Cross Section and Panel Spatial Weight Matrix
    spweightcs         Cross Section Spatial Weight Matrix
    spweightxt         Panel Spatial Weight Matrix

    For more information:
    Last edited by Emad Shehata; 04 May 2016, 02:09.
    Emad A. Shehata
    Professor (PhD Economics)
    Agricultural Research Center - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Egypt
    Email: [email protected]
    Google Scholar:

  • #2
    Hi there, I am trying to understand the marginal effects output when using spregsdm. I understand how to interpret the direct and indirect effects of the explanatory variables (per LeSage and Pace [2009]), but I do not understand why there are also direct and indirect effects of the spatial lags of those variables.

    Thanks in advance for your help. I have found this program very useful, but do not understand this aspect of interpreting the results.


    • #3
      I am attempting to install and find some help facility for sptobitgmm but am unable to find it. I managed to install most of the spatial tobit files but not that one.

      Any ideas as to what has happened to that module?

      Thanks in advance,

      Michael Kendix


      • #4
        I need a few clarifications on SPREGXT.

        1. Specifically, what is the distinction between Linear SDM model and MLE SDM model. Is it that the Linear modes is estimated through OLS and gives biased coefficient estimates and as such, estimation of SDM through MLE is desirable.

        2. The help manual states that direct and indirect marginal effects can be computed only for sar, sdm, sac models. Is it possible to get the direct and indirect effects from the estimation of general spatial model.

        3. Is there any way to estimate the SDEM model for estimating local spillovers.

        Hopefully, someone will respond.




        • #5
          Dear Professor Shehata,

          By Fixed Effects do you mean Spatial Fixed Effects, Time Fixed Effects or both?

          If the first is true, I ask: when using spregdhp can I add Time Fixed Effects to my command line?

          I. Silva


          • #6
            Hello All,

            I also used spregsdm, but I could not quiet understand the results.How do we interpret the direct and indirect effects? Is there any standard deviation for them to estimate t stats or the t stats themselves for these effects? What is mean column in the direct/indirect effect table? What are themarginal effects and elasticities? Are they some kind of ratio? I compare the results with LeSage and Pace (2009), but I am still confused.

            Is there any other way to estimate Spatial durbin models and their direct and indirect effects?

            Thank you for your help.



            • #7
              Hi all.
              I am new to the forum.
              Can anyone please write the installation command for "spregxt" in Stata.
              I have installed "spreg", but for the "spregxt" Stata says "unrecognized command". So, does "spregxt" have a different installation procedure or how to go with the "spreg" command in order to benefit from "spegxt" option such as creating spatially-lagged vars.

