I have a study in which we evaluated the effects of a drug and pH of the culture medium upon the twitch rate (TR) of tissue in vitro. We hypothesise that TR is affected by both drug and pH, so tissues were incubated for one hour in varying concentrations of drug and different pH. TR and pH were measured at the start (TR0, pH0) and end (TR1, pH1) of culture. pH0 was fixed as much as possible, but varied within each nominal group, and changed slightly over the incubation period (it's a bicarbonate-buffered medium).
So, I have an ordinal independent variable, CONC, a nominally ordinal independent variable, pH0 (which is in effect more continuous than ordinal), and repeated measures of interest (TR0, TR1).
I thought that repeated-measures ANOVA or ANCOVA might help here. I can use the former if I block or bin pH0 and use that as a independent ordinal variable in the model. Or I could use it as a continuous variable. But since pH changes, and can influence TR, ideally I would use it as a repeated measures covariate. Is this even possible? It doesn't seem so from the menu dialogue box.
So, I have an ordinal independent variable, CONC, a nominally ordinal independent variable, pH0 (which is in effect more continuous than ordinal), and repeated measures of interest (TR0, TR1).
I thought that repeated-measures ANOVA or ANCOVA might help here. I can use the former if I block or bin pH0 and use that as a independent ordinal variable in the model. Or I could use it as a continuous variable. But since pH changes, and can influence TR, ideally I would use it as a repeated measures covariate. Is this even possible? It doesn't seem so from the menu dialogue box.