Dear Statalisters:
I am trying to use the reclink2 to make a match between two databases that are exactly equal. I am trying to do that in order to identify schools that have a similar name and are located in the same address, but it is obvious that will be a perfect match (the same observation). But with the option npairs(2) I am trying to also see other schools with similar name and location, to identify potentials duplicates. I suspect that several persons have added observations to this geodatabase.
This is the lines that I am using. The result is only perfect matches, but I am using the option npairs(2).
What may be the problem?.
cd "C:\Users\hsantos\Desktop\BID\HaitÃ\GIS HaitÃ\Imperfect match"
use "Base GIS"
gen idm=_n
sort idm
reclink2 eco_nom eco_locali eco_rue using "Base GIS copy.dta", gen(myscore) idm(idm) idu(objectid) manytoone npairs(2)
Added: objectid= identifier from Base GIS copy.dta myscore = matching score
Observations: Master N = 15920 Base GIS copy.dta N= 15920
Unique Master Cases: matched = 15920 (exact = 15920), unmatched = 0
I am trying to use the reclink2 to make a match between two databases that are exactly equal. I am trying to do that in order to identify schools that have a similar name and are located in the same address, but it is obvious that will be a perfect match (the same observation). But with the option npairs(2) I am trying to also see other schools with similar name and location, to identify potentials duplicates. I suspect that several persons have added observations to this geodatabase.
This is the lines that I am using. The result is only perfect matches, but I am using the option npairs(2).
What may be the problem?.
cd "C:\Users\hsantos\Desktop\BID\HaitÃ\GIS HaitÃ\Imperfect match"
use "Base GIS"
gen idm=_n
sort idm
reclink2 eco_nom eco_locali eco_rue using "Base GIS copy.dta", gen(myscore) idm(idm) idu(objectid) manytoone npairs(2)
Added: objectid= identifier from Base GIS copy.dta myscore = matching score
Observations: Master N = 15920 Base GIS copy.dta N= 15920
Unique Master Cases: matched = 15920 (exact = 15920), unmatched = 0