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  • bootstrapping medians in 2 groups fails with stsum, but not with summarize

    I was trying to bootstrap medians in two groups for a survival analysis in order to eventually bootstrap their difference. I use stsum to find the medians in each group. I'm finding that bootstrap fails with an "insufficient observations" even if there is no censoring(program boot2, below) but succeeds when the command is sum, detail (program boot1, below). boot2 works if not bootstrapped. Any thoughts?
    webuse catheter, clear
    replace infect = 1  // no censoring
    stset time, fail(infect)
    cap program drop _all
    /* sum */
    program define boot1 , rclass
        sum time if female, det
        return scalar m1 = r(p50)
        sum time if !female, det
        return scalar m2 = r(p50)
    /* stsum*/
    program define boot2 , rclass
        stsum if female
        return scalar m1 = r(p50)
        stsum if !female
        return scalar m2 = r(p50)
    bootstrap  m1 = r(m1) m2 =r(m2), ///
    strata(female) reps(50): boot1
    Number of strata   =         2                  Number of obs     =         76
                                                    Replications      =         50
          command:  boot1
               m1:  r(m1)
               m2:  r(m2)
                 |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
                 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              m1 |         56   23.67985     2.36   0.018     9.588355    102.4116
              m2 |       16.5   4.808581     3.43   0.001     7.075355    25.92465
    /*  boot2 by itself: gives nearly identical results */
    return list
                     r(m2) =  16
                     r(m1) =  54
    /* but not with bootstrap */
    bootstrap  m1 = r(m1) m2 =r(m2), ///
    strata(female) reps(50): boot2
    Bootstrap replications (50)
    ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    50
    insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
    no results will be saved
    Last edited by Steve Samuels; 08 Apr 2016, 11:46.
    Steve Samuels
    Statistical Consulting
    [email protected]

    Stata 14.2

  • #2
    Very strange.

    set tracedepth 4
    set trace on
    bootstrap  m1 = r(m1) m2 =r(m2), strata(female) reps(50)  : boot2
    set trace off
    When bootstrap gets to boot2, it never gets past stsum if !female

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin boot2 ---
          - stsum if female
          - return scalar m1 = r(p50)
          - stsum if !female
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end boot2 ---
    Running the bootstrap command with the trace option seems to indicate that there is some problem in the `touse' statements. I don't know why that would be the case (I don't know enough about either bootstrap or stsum to hazard a guess).

    bootstrap  m1 = r(m1) m2 =r(m2), strata(female) reps(50)  trace : boot2
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin st_smpl ---
              - version 6, missing
              - if _caller()>=6 {
              - args touse if in by adj
              - mark `touse' `if' `in' `_dta[st_w]'
              = mark __00000A if !female  
              - markout `touse' `adj'
              = markout __00000A
              - markout `touse' `by', strok
              = markout __00000A , strok
              - qui replace `touse' = 0 if _st==0
              = qui replace __00000A = 0 if _st==0
              - qui count if `touse'
              = qui count if __00000A
              - if r(N) == 0 {
              - di in red `"no observations"'
    no observations
              - exit 2000
    Stata/MP 14.1 (64-bit x86-64)
    Revision 19 May 2016
    Win 8.1


    • #3
      I played with this for a little while. There is something bizarre going on between -bootstrap- and program boot2.

      If you insert a -tab female- command at the start of program boot2 and run the bootstrap with the -noisily- option, then except for the original-sample run at the beginning, you see that every bootstrap sample is all female! But the plot thickens: if you change the order of the commands in program boot2 so that it does -stsum- on the non-females first, you see that every bootstrap sample is now all male! My mind complete boggles as to how this might happen.

      I think this is one for tech support.


      • #4
        Thank you, Carole, and thank you, Clyde. I just sent it in to tech support.
        Last edited by Steve Samuels; 08 Apr 2016, 14:33.
        Steve Samuels
        Statistical Consulting
        [email protected]

        Stata 14.2


        • #5
          Isabelle Canette of StataCorp supplied the solution:

          You can solve this problem by using -nodrop-. You need to use -nodrop- every
          time you try to use -bootstrap- with an estimation command, and estimations are
          using on different subsamples (e.g., if you use -regress- instead of-summarize-).
          -stsum- behaves like an eclass command in this sense because it relies on -stcox-
          for the estimation.

          Steve Samuels
          Statistical Consulting
          [email protected]

          Stata 14.2


          • #6
            Thanks for sharing that. I never knew about that option.


            • #7
              Me neither.
              Steve Samuels
              Statistical Consulting
              [email protected]

              Stata 14.2

