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  • SSC install commands

    I am trying to use Table1 without much success

    *** This is the error I get when I try to install table1
    ssc install table1
    checking table1 consistency and verifying not already installed...
    installing into c:\ado\plus\...
    file c:\ado\plus\next.trk already exists

    **** This is the error I get when I try to replace the supposedly existing table1
    ssc install table1, replace
    checking table1 consistency and verifying not already installed...
    installing into c:\ado\plus\...
    file c:\ado\plus\next.trk already exists

    *** This is what I get when I check which ssc packages have been installed [and table1 doesn't exist]

    ado dir

    [1] package reshape8 from
    'RESHAPE8': module to reshape while preserving variable labels

    *** Similarly when I try to uninstall the table1
    ssc uninstall table1
    package not found

    **** I have also tried updating ssc packages and get this

    . adoupdate, ssc
    (note: adoupdate updates user-written files; type -update- to check for
    updates to official Stata)

    Checking status of installed packages...

    [1] reshape8 at
    installed package is up to date

    (no packages require updating)

    Does anyone have any ideas what the problem may be and how I can overcome it. Your advice would be much appreciated.

  • #2
    Slav Ninko It's much better to wrap your code examples inside of the \[CODE\] tags (so people can copy/paste and get the same results). Have you tried to find the package:

    ado, find(table1)
    If that command returns a result, you can uninstall any of the versions that you may have installed on your system with:

    ado uninstall [#]
    Where you'll replace the # character with the numeric value returned from the first command. In the case that you have multiple versions of the same package installed, it might be good to uninstall each of the versions and then try to use the command to install from SSC.


    • #3
      See also the following:

      Last edited by Eric de Souza; 18 Feb 2016, 07:34. Reason: Link changed


      • #4
        Hi there, I've tried to install the lassopack which seemed to work but then I get an error? any suggestions would be appreciated

        command lasso is unrecognized


        • #5
          lassopack includes the commands lasso2, cvlasso, rlasso; see "help lasso2", "help cvlasso", "help rlasso"

          lasso is a StataCorp command that comes with Stata 16.
          Tag me or email me for ddml/pdslasso/lassopack/pystacked related questions. I don't check Statalist.


          • #6
            i am not able to install any package in stata. it showing this error "ssc install fre checking fre consistency and verifying not already installed... could not copy (no action taken) --Break-- "


            • #7
              i am not able to install any package in stata.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                #10 Some of these commands are not on SSC. lpoly ivreg xtreg are official commands. But I guess that is not the immediate problem because fre for example is on SSC.

                You should

                look at
                help netio as Stata may need to know more about how you are talking to the internet

                set trace on
                to see where the command is breaking

                tell us about your version of Stata if it is not 18 (see FAQ Advice)

                contact StataCorp Technical Services with your problem and your licensing information if all else fails


                • #9
                  Nick Cox
                  I am using Stata 18.0 version.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	1234.png
Views:	1
Size:	78.5 KB
ID:	1763685


                  • #10
                    . set trace on

                    . ssc install reghdfe
                    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ssc ---
                    - version 7
                    - gettoken cmd 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
                    - di as txt "" _c
                    - if `"`cmd'"'=="" {
                    = if `"install"'=="" {
                    di as txt "ssc commands are"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc new}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc hot}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc describe} {it:pkgname}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc describe} {it:letter}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc install} {it:pkgname}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc uninstall} {it:pkgname}"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc type} {it:filename} (less used)"
                    di as txt " {cmd:ssc copy} {it:filename} (less used)"
                    di as txt "see help {help ssc##|_new:ssc}"
                    exit 198
                    - local l = length(`"`cmd'"')
                    = local l = length(`"install"')
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == bsubstr("whatsnew",1,max(4,`l')) {
                    = if `"install"' == bsubstr("whatsnew",1,max(4,7)) {
                    sscwhatsnew `0'
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == "new" {
                    = if `"install"' == "new" {
                    sscwhatsnew `0'
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == bsubstr("whatshot",1,max(6,`l')) {
                    = if `"install"' == bsubstr("whatshot",1,max(6,7)) {
                    ssc_whatshot `0'
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == "hot" {
                    = if `"install"' == "hot" {
                    ssc_whatshot `0'
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == bsubstr("describe",1,max(1,`l')) {
                    = if `"install"' == bsubstr("describe",1,max(1,7)) {
                    sscdescribe `0'
                    - if `"`cmd'"' == bsubstr("install",1,max(4,`l')) {
                    = if `"install"' == bsubstr("install",1,max(4,7)) {
                    - sscinstall `0'
                    = sscinstall reghdfe
                    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin ssc.sscinstall ---
                    - gettoken pkgname 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
                    - CheckPkgname "ssc install" `"`pkgname'"'
                    = CheckPkgname "ssc install" `"reghdfe"'
                    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ssc.CheckPkgname ---
                    - args id pkgname
                    - sret clear
                    - if `"`pkgname'"' == "" {
                    = if `"reghdfe"' == "" {
                    di as err `"{bf:`id'}: nothing found where package name expected"'
                    exit 198
                    - if length(`"`pkgname'"')==1 {
                    = if length(`"reghdfe"')==1 {
                    di as err `"{bf:`id'}: "{bf:`pkgname'}" invalid SSC package name"'
                    exit 198
                    - local pkgname = lower(`"`pkgname'"')
                    = local pkgname = lower(`"reghdfe"')
                    - if !index("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_",bsubstr(`"`pk gname'"',1,1)) {
                    = if !index("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_",bsubstr(`"reg hdfe"',1,1)) {
                    di as err `"{bf:`id'}: "{bf:`pkgname'}" invalid SSC package name"'
                    exit 198
                    - sret local pkgname `"`pkgname'"'
                    = sret local pkgname `"reghdfe"'
                    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end ssc.CheckPkgname ---
                    - local pkgname `"`s(pkgname)'"'
                    = local pkgname `"reghdfe"'
                    - syntax [, ALL REPLACE]
                    - local ltr = bsubstr("`pkgname'",1,1)
                    = local ltr = bsubstr("reghdfe",1,1)
                    - qui net from`ltr'
                    = qui net from
                    - capture net describe `pkgname'
                    = capture net describe reghdfe
                    - local rc = _rc
                    - if _rc==601 | _rc==661 {
                    di as err `"{bf:ssc install}: "{bf:`pkgname'}" not found at SSC, type {stata search `pkgname'}"'
                    di as err "(To find all packages at SSC that start with `ltr', type {stata ssc describe `ltr'})"
                    exit `rc'
                    - if _rc {
                    error `rc'
                    - capture noi net install `pkgname', `all' `replace'
                    = capture noi net install reghdfe,
                    could not load reghdfe.pkg from
                    - local rc = _rc
                    - if _rc==601 | _rc==661 {
                    di as err `"{p}{bf:ssc install}: apparent error in package file for {bf:`pkgname'}; please notify {browse "mailto:[email protected]":[email protected]}, providing package name{p
                    > _end}"'
                    - exit `rc'
                    = exit 1
                    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end ssc.sscinstall ---
                    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end ssc ---


                    • #11
                      The actual informative error message is15 lines from the end of the trace and is:

                      could not load reghdfe.pkg from
                      but I could open in a browser. so it isn't clear what the problem could be. As a workaround you could save from your browser and bypass the install script. There are a few other dependencies of the ado, you would need them too.

