Dear all,
I updated from Stata 13 to Stata 14 and used the “unicode” command to adapt the labeling in my do-files to unicode.
I use the esttab command to export to rtf (example, see below). With the update to Stata14 encoding problems emerged. Characters in the rtf-document, such as ä, ö, ü, are no longer displayed in the right way.
Stata 13 saves the rtf document with ANSI encoding. With Stata 14 the rtf document is saved with utf-8 encoding. Apparently the rtf format can’t handle unicode, but with Stata 14 the esttab command saves the document only in unicode. The rtf header contains still a definition as “ansi” (see below).
Is there a way to force Stata to save the rtf document with ANSI encoding? Any other suggestions?
Creating RTF-Document:
I updated from Stata 13 to Stata 14 and used the “unicode” command to adapt the labeling in my do-files to unicode.
I use the esttab command to export to rtf (example, see below). With the update to Stata14 encoding problems emerged. Characters in the rtf-document, such as ä, ö, ü, are no longer displayed in the right way.
Stata 13 saves the rtf document with ANSI encoding. With Stata 14 the rtf document is saved with utf-8 encoding. Apparently the rtf format can’t handle unicode, but with Stata 14 the esttab command saves the document only in unicode. The rtf header contains still a definition as “ansi” (see below).
Is there a way to force Stata to save the rtf document with ANSI encoding? Any other suggestions?
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Calibri;}} {\info {\author .}{\company .}{\title .}{\creatim\yr2016\mo2\dy8\hr12\min31}} \deflang1033\plain\fs16 {\footer\pard\qc\plain\f0\fs16\chpgn\par}
esttab m1 m2 m3 /// using example.rtf, /// nonumbers nodepvars nonotes /// stats(aic bic N, fmt(%3,2f %3,0f) labels("AIC" "BIC" "N")) /// varwidth(35) modelwidth(6) b(%3,2f) se(%3,2f) gaps /// starlevels(+ 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01 *** 0.001) /// refcat (second0 "\emp{\i {\b Jahre}{\line (Ref.: xx)}}" , label(" ")) /// order (second0 second1 second3 second4 second5 second6 /* */ 0.erwerb_teilzeit 1.erwerb_teilzeit /* */ hh1income qu_hh1income) /// substitute("\f0\fnil Times New Roman" "\f0\fnil Calibri" "\fs20" "\fs16" "\fs24" "\fs20") /// title ("Tab. 1: TITLE)") /// mtitle("(1)" "(2)" "(3)") /// varlabels (_cons "\emp{\i {\b Konstante}}" /* */ qu_hh1income "\emp{\i Quadriertes Äquivalenzeinkommen}" /* */ hh1income "\emp{\i Äquivalenzeinkommen}" /* */ 0.erwerb_teilzeit " Elternzeit" /* */ 1.erwerb_teilzeit " Arbeitslos, nicht erwerbstätig") /// addnote("Source: [...] ." "Für imputierte Werte durch Flag-Variablen kontrolliert.")