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  • Export excel factor analysis

    hi everyone,

    I want to export the loadings of the factor analysis. The following code is working but I would like to have the name of the variables corresponding to each loading and to filter only the loadings above 0.3 (or 0.2, any example)

    Thank you in advance

    Joan Marc

    factor a-c rotate putexcel A1=(e(title)) B2=matrix(e(r_L)) using factor_results, sheet("loading") replace​

  • #2
    I think you can get the variable names by adding the -rownames- option to your -putexcel- command.

    As for filtering only loadings above the threshold, you need to do that separately:

    factor a-c
    matrix M = e(r_L)
    local rmax = rowsof(M)
    local cmax = colsof(M)
    forvalues r = 1/`rmax' {
         forvalues c = 1/`cmax' {
              if M[`r', `c'] < 0.3 {
                   matrix M[`r', `c'] = .
    putexcel A1 = (e(title)) B2 = M using factor_results, rownames sheet("loading") replace
    Note: Not tested, but I think this is correct.


    • #3
      Clyde's code is basically correct, but you typically want

      abs(M[`r', `c']) < 0.3
      to keep high negative loadings.

      The same approach is implemented in rotate2 (SSC), a wrapper for rotate that sorts the loadings and displays variable labels instead of their names. I have just added an option to store the displayed matrix and the syntax you want would then be

      rotate2 , blanks(.3) nolabel matrix(mymat)
      Here is the program code that I will send to Kit Baum

      *! version 1.2.0 11dec2015 daniel klein
      pr rotate2
          vers 9.2
          syntax ///
          [ ,    ///
              noSORT             ///
              UNIQueness        ///
              VARNames         ///
              noLabel         ///
              SPARE             ///
              TWidth(str)        ///
              noTRIM            ///
              MATrix(name)     ///
              BLanks(numlist max=1 >=0) ///
              FORmat(str)        ///
              * ///
          if ("`spare'" != "") {
              loc qui qui
          if ("`blanks'" != "") {
              loc options `options' bl(`blanks')
          if ("`format'" != "") {
              cap n conf numeric fo `format'
              if (_rc) {
                  e 198
              loc options `options' for(`format')
          else {
              loc format %8.4f
          if ("`twidth'" != "") {
              cap n conf integer n `twidth'
              if !(_rc) {
                  cap as inrange(`twidth', 8, 32)
              if (_rc) {
                  di as err "twidth() invalid"
                  e 198
          /* no else statement on purpose
              Mata resets twidth */
              main */
          `qui' rot ,`options'
          conf mat e(r_L)
          if ("`uniqness'" != "") {
              conf mat e(Psi)
          tempname L
          m : mf_rotate2("`L'")
              display results */
          loc dopts `sort' `uniqueness' blanks(`blanks')
          loc dopts `dopts' fmt(`format') tw(`twidth') 
          Display `L' , `dopts'
              return matirx */
          if ("`matrix'" != "") {
              mat `matrix' = `L'
      pr Display
          syntax anything(name = L) ///
          [ , SORT UNIQUENESS BLANKS(str) FMT(str) TW(str) ]
          if (e(cmd) == "factor") {
              loc title "factor loadings"
          else if (e(cmd) == "pca") {
              loc title "components"
          else {
              loc title `e(cmd)'
          if mi("`sort'") {
              loc title `"`title' (sorted)"'
          loc title `"Rotated `title'"'
          loc nrow = rowsof(`L')
          loc ncol = colsof(`L') - ("`uniqueness'" != "")
          forv r = 2/`nrow' {
              loc rsp `rsp' &
          loc rsp --`rsp'-
          forv c = 2/`ncol' {
              loc csp `csp' & `fmt' 
          loc csp o4 & %`tw's | `fmt' `csp'
          if ("`uniqueness'" != "") {
              loc csp `csp' | C w12 `fmt'
          loc csp `csp' o1 &
          if ("`blanks'" != "") {
              loc note {txt}(blanks represent ///
              loc note di "{col 4}`note'"
          matlist `L' ,csp(`csp') rsp(`rsp') ///
          tit(`"`title'"') row("Variable") nodotz under
      vers 9.2
      m :
      void mf_rotate2(string scalar Lnam)
          real matrix L, Psi, S
          string rowvector coln, varn, varl
          real scalar blk
          L = st_matrix("e(r_L)")
          coln = st_matrixcolstripe("e(r_L)")[., 2]
          varn = st_matrixrowstripe("e(r_L)")[., 2]
              sort loadings
              matrix S is rows(L) x 3
              S[., 1] :== variable position
              S[., 2] :== factor number of max (row) loading
              S[., 3] :== max (row) loading
              we sort on factor number and loading
              we only keep S[., 1] as our sort index vector
          if (st_local("sort") == "") {
                  build sorting index */
              S = (1::rows(L)), J(rows(L), 2, .)
              for (r = 1; r <= rows(L); ++r) {
                  S[r, 3] = max(abs(L[r, .]))[1, 1]
                  S[r, 2] = select((1..cols(L)), ///
                  (abs(L[r, .]) :== S[r, 3]))[1, 1]
              S = sort(S, (2, -3))[., 1]
                  sort varnames and loadings matrix */
              varn = varn[S]
              L = L[S, .]
              blanks option */
          if (st_local("blanks") != "") {
              blk = strtoreal(st_local("blanks"))
              for (r = 1; r <= rows(L); ++r) {
                  for (c = 1; c <= cols(L); ++c) {
                      if (abs(L[r, c]) <= blk) {
                          L[r, c] = .z
              add sorted uniqueness vector */
          if (st_local("uniqueness") != "") {
              Psi = st_matrix("e(Psi)")'
              if (st_local("sort") == "") {
                  Psi = Psi[S]
              coln = coln\ st_matrixrowstripe("e(Psi)")[., 2]
              L = (L, Psi)
              row names */
          if (st_local("label") != "") {
              varl = varn
          else {
              varl = J(rows(varn), 1, "")
              for (i = 1; i <= rows(varl); ++i) {
                  varl[i] = st_varlabel(varn[i])
                  if (varl[i] == "") {
                      varl[i] = varn[i]
              if (st_local("trim") == "") {
                  varl = strtrim(stritrim(varl))
                  strip invalid characters 
                  from variable labels
                  we use them as matrix rownames
              varl = subinstr(varl, char(46), "")
              varl = subinstr(varl, char(58), "")
              varl = subinstr(varl, char(34), "")
              varl = subinstr(varl, char(96), "")
              varl = subinstr(varl, char(32), char(95))
              if (st_local("varnames") != "") {
                  varl = "(" :+ varn :+ ")_" :+ varl
              varl = abbrev(varl, 31)
              reset twidth for display */
          if (st_local("twidth") == "") {
              st_local("twidth", strofreal(max((max(strlen(varl)), 12))))
              return matrix */
          st_matrix(Lnam, L)
          st_matrixrowstripe(Lnam, (J(rows(L), 1, ""), varl))
          st_matrixcolstripe(Lnam, (J(cols(L), 1, ""), coln))
      1.2.0    11dec2015    new option -matrix- returns results matrix
      1.1.0    05may2015    new subroutine displays new output
                          new option -nolabel-
                          rewrite options -format- and -twidth-
                          fix bug option blank affected uniqeness
      1.0.0    10oct2014    based on lab_e_r_L
                          wrapper for -rotate-


      • #4
        Dear all,
        I found this thread while looking for ways to export a table of rotated factor loadings into Excel using Stata 13.
        I tried Clyde's code from the message above but obtained the following error message:

        using not allowed

        Any thoughts on how to overcome this?

        Thank you in advance,


        • #5
          The -putexcel- command works differently in different versions of Stata. The person who started this thread showed code with the -putexcel...using...- syntax. From that, I inferred that he was not using version 14, but an older version of Stata which supported that syntax.

          In Stata 14, that syntax is no longer allowed. Instead, you have to first -putexcel set filename-, and then the final command in #2 becomes
          putexcel A1 = (e(title)) B2 = M, rownames sheet("loading") replace
          See -help putexcel- for more information.


          • #6
            Dear Clyde,
            Thank you for getting back to me.
            I checked the code for Stata13 , which indeed, did not require "using"

            matrix M = e(r_L)
            local rmax = rowsof(M)
            local cmax = colsof(M)
            forvalues r = 1/`rmax' {
            forvalues c = 1/`cmax' {
            if M[`r', `c'] < 0.3 {
            matrix M[`r', `c'] = .
            putexcel set "Factor Loadings Table.xlxs"
            putexcel A1=(e(Factors)) B2=(M), sheet("Factor Loadings")colwise

            I now obtain a different error message

            "type mismatch

            Which I don't understand. It says I tried to combine a string and numeric subexpression in a logically impossible way. Does this refer to the String in the Title and the numeric loadings in the columns?

            Thank you yet again for your help,


            • #7
              Sorry. I don't use -putexcel- very often and I really need to refer to the help file to refresh my memory of the syntax when I do.

              It should be:
              putexcel set "Factor Loadings Table.xlsx", sheet("Factor Loadings")
              putexcel  A1= matrix(e(Factors)) B2= matrix(M), colwise

