Hi Everyone,
I am using Stata 12 and have a dataset with 539,168 observations (8 years * 58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races).
The years are 2007 to 2014. I would like to copy the 2014 values for the variable Population to the other seven years by county, age, gender and race. The code works below, but takes a very long time because it summarizes every 2014 observation (all 67,396 observations). Is there better code someone could recommend (e.g., bysort Year CountyCode Age sex RaceCode...)?
Brent Fulton
UC Berkeley
*8 years * 58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races
di 8*58*83*2*7
des, short
*58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races
di 58*83*2*7
clonevar pop14=Population
foreach c of numlist 1/58{
di "c is now `c' *************************************"
di "`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'"
foreach a of numlist 18/100{
foreach g of numlist 1/2{
foreach r of numlist 1/7{
di "c is `c', a is `a', g is `g', r is `r'"
su Population if CountyCode==`c' & Age==`a' & sex==`g' & RaceCode==`r' & Year==2014
replace pop14=r(mean) if CountyCode==`c' & Age==`a' & sex==`g' & RaceCode==`r' & Year!=2014
I am using Stata 12 and have a dataset with 539,168 observations (8 years * 58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races).
The years are 2007 to 2014. I would like to copy the 2014 values for the variable Population to the other seven years by county, age, gender and race. The code works below, but takes a very long time because it summarizes every 2014 observation (all 67,396 observations). Is there better code someone could recommend (e.g., bysort Year CountyCode Age sex RaceCode...)?
Brent Fulton
UC Berkeley
*8 years * 58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races
di 8*58*83*2*7
des, short
*58 counties * 83 ages (18 to 100) * 2 genders * 7 races
di 58*83*2*7
clonevar pop14=Population
foreach c of numlist 1/58{
di "c is now `c' *************************************"
di "`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'"
foreach a of numlist 18/100{
foreach g of numlist 1/2{
foreach r of numlist 1/7{
di "c is `c', a is `a', g is `g', r is `r'"
su Population if CountyCode==`c' & Age==`a' & sex==`g' & RaceCode==`r' & Year==2014
replace pop14=r(mean) if CountyCode==`c' & Age==`a' & sex==`g' & RaceCode==`r' & Year!=2014