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  • Metaninf package for meta-analyses -- Graph options

    I am using Stata 12.1. I am attempting to use the metaninf package. Overall it is a great and fairly simple-to-use package but I am having some issues reformatting the graph that comes up.
    My code is fairly simple:

    HTML Code:
    metaninf casepos caseneg controlpos controlneg if pre1960<10, or random  label(namevar=author)
    Here is my resulting graph:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	29.3 KB
ID:	1311822

    I wanted to make a few corrections to the graph. I wanted to make the background white and the font black. In addition I wanted to add the combined pooled estimate at the bottom of the graph. However, I am having some trouble putting commonly used graph options (such as "(Title 'abcd')") or "graphregion" or "plotregion").
    I looked in the help file for metaninf ( but was unable to find a solution.

    Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    metaninf from SSC was written in 2001 and last updated in 2003. It uses the obsolete gph command to create graphs.
    help gph
    help graph7
    Graphs produced with metaninf are limited to the abilities of Stata up to version 7 and cannot be edited in the current Graph Editor. If the look of the graph is important to you I think you are better off looking for a modern alternative to metaninf.


    • #3
      Thanks Friedrich for your help


      • #4
        Leo, did you find an alternative for Metaninf that generates the graph with a white background? I am running into the same problem now.


        • #5
          Hi Julie,

          ​​​​​​My command, admetan, can do "influence" analysis and uses modern Stata graphics. It is part of the ipdmetan package; type ssc describe ipdmetan or ssc install ipdmetan in the Stata command window, (or adoupdate ipdmetan if already installed, to check you have the latest version).

          admetan uses the same (or very similar) syntax to the venerable metan command. Just add the option influence.

          Please let me know if you have any problems or suggestions.



