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  • Table of multiple choice questions (mrtab) to excel with putexcel

    Hello everybody,

    I want to export results which I created with the mrtab command into excel. So that I have one well structured table with all variables in it. Most of the variables I work with and use for the mrtab command are just coded with quoted (1) or not-quoted (0). The table displays only the results of the quoted values. And all variables are part of an multiple choice question (for example "choose up to three answers").

    But I haven't found any manuals or advises that gives me an idea how to start building my putexcel command. In the picture you can see how the table looks like and that's how I want to export it into excel.

    Do you have any idea? Every try rebuilding the putexcel command I use for exporting normal tables or crosstables (tab command) gives me the same error: option matcell() not allowed r (198)

    Thank you very much for your help.



    Attached Files

  • #2
    You must look at the returned results to see what things are left behind for you to build your table in Excel from.

    . use
    (1997 Survey Data on Swiss Drug Addicts)
    . mrtab inco1-inco7, include title(Sources of income) width(24)
                                   |             Percent of     Percent
                 Sources of income |  Frequency   responses    of cases
    inco1          private support |        226       12.83       23.25
                 (partner, family, |
                          friends) |
    inco2           public support |        607       34.47       62.45
          (unemployment insurance, |
                  social benefits) |
    inco3             drug dealing |        293       16.64       30.14
    inco4    housebreaking, theft, |         50        2.84        5.14
                           robbery |
    inco5             prostitution |         82        4.66        8.44
    inco6       "mischeln"/begging |        151        8.57       15.53
    inco7         legal occupation |        352       19.99       36.21
                             Total |       1761      100.00      181.17
    Valid cases:        972
    Missing cases:        0
    . return list
                      r(N) =  972
                 r(N_miss) =  0
                      r(r) =  7
                   r(list) : ""private support (partner, family, friends)" "publ.."
                   r(type) : "numeric"
              r(responses) :  7 x 1
    Once you know what is left behind you can then start building your table in Excel using putexcel. For example,

    matrix a = r(responses)
    local labs = `"`r(list)'"'
    local vcase = `r(N)'
    local miss = `r(N_miss)'
    putexcel set example.xlsx, replace keepcellformat
    putexcel (B9)=formula("SUM(B2:B8)")
    putexcel (A1:A9)=border("right", "thin")
    putexcel (A1:D1)=border("bottom", "thin")
    putexcel (A1:D1)=halign("center")
    putexcel (A2:A9)=halign("right")
    putexcel (A1)=("Sources of income")
    putexcel (B1)=("Frequency")
    putexcel (C1)=("Percent of responses")
    putexcel (D1)=("Percent of cases")
    putexcel (A9)=("Total")
    putexcel (A11)=("Valid cases:")
    putexcel (A12)=("Missing cases:")
    putexcel (A9:D9)=border("top", "thin")
    putexcel (B2)=matrix(a)
    putexcel (B11)=(`vcase')
    putexcel (B12)=(`miss')
    local i = 2
    foreach lab of local labs {
        putexcel A`i'=(`"`lab'"')
        local i = `i' + 1


    • #3
      Kevin, this is very, very helpful code -- thank you for sharing. I have a couple follow up questions related to exporting mrtab results using putexcel.

      1) I'd like to sum the total number of responses and write that to Excel, but when I try to use Excel function formulas with putexcel (per your 6th line of code), I get the following error even though the expression is enclosed: formula: expression must be enclosed in ()

      2) I am having difficulty using putexcel to export the "percent of responses" and "percent of cases" columns of mrtab output. Naive attempts at dividing the matrix of r(responses) by r(N) were unsuccessful and I'm not sure where to go from here.

      Thanks for any insights -


      • #4
        Hi Marcel and Kath,

        I think this code may help!

        clear all    
        set more off
        capture log close
        set linesize 140
        * Download an example dataset
        use ""
        * (Betel Nut Consumption in Papua New Guinea, Collected in May 2018)
        * Download and run the multiple response tab function
        ssc install mrtab
        mrtab betelnutmum - betelnutother_relative, include title(Betel Nut Use in PNG) nonames
        return list
        * Copy and paste the subsequent code after each mrtab command
        * Please change the description of the table title each time you use the code (see next line). 
        local title     `"This is my title"'
        * Oh yes, you may want to change the name of the excel document once for an entire dataset. 
        local excel     `"example_sheet"'
        * Set other locals (labels, valid cases and missing) 
        local labs = `"`r(list)'"'
        local valid_cases = `r(N)'
        local missing = `r(N_miss)'
        * Generate matrices
        matrix a = r(responses)
        mata : st_matrix("freq", colsum(st_matrix("a")))
        local frequency = freq[1,1]
        matrix b = matrix(a) * (1/`frequency') * 100
        matrix c = matrix(a) * (1/r(N)) * 100
        * The sum function needs to appear below the frequencies
                * Set the line for where the total will appear
                local d = r(r) + 3
                * Set the line for where the total will appear
                local e = r(r) + 2
        * Set excel sheet 
        putexcel set `excel', sheet("`title'", replace) replace 
        ** Formatting
        putexcel A1:A50, hcenter border(right) overwritefmt
        putexcel B1:B50, hcenter overwritefmt
        putexcel C1:C50, nformat("number_sep_d2") overwritefmt
        putexcel D1:D50, nformat("number_sep_d2") overwritefmt
        putexcel (A1:D1), merge hcenter vcenter
        putexcel (A1)=("`title'")
        putexcel (A2)=("Observations")
        putexcel (B2)=("Frequency")
        putexcel (C2)=("Percent of responses")
        putexcel (D2)=("Percent of cases")
        putexcel (A`d')=("Total")
        * Locations for 'valid cases' and 'missing observations'
                * Local f sets the line for where the valid cases will go
                local f = r(r) + 5
                * Local g sets the number of lines in the missing cases will go
                local g = r(r) + 6
        putexcel (A`f')=("Valid cases:")
        putexcel (A`g')=("Missing cases:")
        putexcel (B`f')=(`valid_cases')
        putexcel (B`g')=(`missing')
        * Exporting the matrices to Excel
        putexcel (B3)=matrix(a)
        putexcel (C3)=matrix(b)
        putexcel (D3)=matrix(c)
        * Placing the totals in the row where the observations end
        putexcel (B`d')= `frequency' 
        putexcel (C`d')= formula("SUM(C3:C`e')")
        putexcel (D`d')= formula("SUM(D3:D`e')")
        putexcel (B`d':D`d'), border("top", "double") 
        * Finally, adding var labels 
        local i = 3
        foreach lab of local labs {
            putexcel A`i'=(`"`lab'"')
            local i = `i' + 1


        • #5
          Users of asdocx can export mrtab tables to Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.
          * Load drugs data from the web
          use, clear
          * run mrtab with asdocx and export 
          asdocx mrtab inco1-inco7 if city != 1, include cnames(Sources of income) ///
                     title(Table: Multiple responses)  replace nonames
          Attaullah Shah, PhD.
          Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan

          Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
          For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kabira Namit View Post
            Hi Marcel and Kath,

            I think this code may help!

            clear all
            set more off
            capture log close
            set linesize 140
            * Download an example dataset
            use ""
            * (Betel Nut Consumption in Papua New Guinea, Collected in May 2018)
            * Download and run the multiple response tab function
            ssc install mrtab
            mrtab betelnutmum - betelnutother_relative, include title(Betel Nut Use in PNG) nonames
            return list
            * Copy and paste the subsequent code after each mrtab command
            * Please change the description of the table title each time you use the code (see next line).
            local title `"This is my title"'
            * Oh yes, you may want to change the name of the excel document once for an entire dataset.
            local excel `"example_sheet"'
            * Set other locals (labels, valid cases and missing)
            local labs = `"`r(list)'"'
            local valid_cases = `r(N)'
            local missing = `r(N_miss)'
            * Generate matrices
            matrix a = r(responses)
            mata : st_matrix("freq", colsum(st_matrix("a")))
            local frequency = freq[1,1]
            matrix b = matrix(a) * (1/`frequency') * 100
            matrix c = matrix(a) * (1/r(N)) * 100
            * The sum function needs to appear below the frequencies
            * Set the line for where the total will appear
            local d = r(r) + 3
            * Set the line for where the total will appear
            local e = r(r) + 2
            * Set excel sheet
            putexcel set `excel', sheet("`title'", replace) replace
            ** Formatting
            putexcel A1:A50, hcenter border(right) overwritefmt
            putexcel B1:B50, hcenter overwritefmt
            putexcel C1:C50, nformat("number_sep_d2") overwritefmt
            putexcel D1:D50, nformat("number_sep_d2") overwritefmt
            putexcel (A1:D1), merge hcenter vcenter
            putexcel (A1)=("`title'")
            putexcel (A2)=("Observations")
            putexcel (B2)=("Frequency")
            putexcel (C2)=("Percent of responses")
            putexcel (D2)=("Percent of cases")
            putexcel (A`d')=("Total")
            * Locations for 'valid cases' and 'missing observations'
            * Local f sets the line for where the valid cases will go
            local f = r(r) + 5
            * Local g sets the number of lines in the missing cases will go
            local g = r(r) + 6
            putexcel (A`f')=("Valid cases:")
            putexcel (A`g')=("Missing cases:")
            putexcel (B`f')=(`valid_cases')
            putexcel (B`g')=(`missing')
            * Exporting the matrices to Excel
            putexcel (B3)=matrix(a)
            putexcel (C3)=matrix(b)
            putexcel (D3)=matrix(c)
            * Placing the totals in the row where the observations end
            putexcel (B`d')= `frequency'
            putexcel (C`d')= formula("SUM(C3:C`e')")
            putexcel (D`d')= formula("SUM(D3:D`e')")
            putexcel (B`d':D`d'), border("top", "double")
            * Finally, adding var labels
            local i = 3
            foreach lab of local labs {
            putexcel A`i'=(`"`lab'"')
            local i = `i' + 1
            Hi Kabira and everyone,

            Is it possible to give me the revised code of putexcel using your example dataset if I want to export it by two way variable such as by including by(treat) in martab? I have tried but unable to do it.

            gen random= runiform()
            gen treat= 0 if random >=.50
            replace treat= 1 if treat !=0
            label define treat 0 "Control" 1 "Treat"
            label values treat treat

            * Download and run the multiple response tab function

            *ssc install mrtab
            mrtab betelnutmum - betelnutother_relative, by(treat) include nofreq col title(Betel Nut Use in PNG) nonames width(54)
            return list

            I want the output like this in excel.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-01-10 111534.png
Views:	1
Size:	20.0 KB
ID:	1739330

            Last edited by Mohsin Hossain; 09 Jan 2024, 23:18.

