Thanks to Kit Baum as always, the module cpcorr on SSC has been updated. This module was first posted on SSC (and indeed last revised) in 2001, so long ago that the original post has disappeared into the oblivion of history.
The module requires Stata 10, but so as not to disqualify those who could have made use of the previous version, the original programs remain, but with suffix *6 to indicate that the programs work in Stata 6 through 9.
The changes include:
1. Modernised presentation of the help.
2. Cross-references in the help to other related commands.
3. Saved results.
The module includes an eponymous command cpcorr to give selected rectangular blocks of correlations that need not be entire correlation matrices. An easy example is a vector restricted to the response variable and possible predictors. A more esoteric example is a matrix with rows the original variables and columns their principal components: I find such correlations easier to think about, often, than loadings.
Also included, but not illustrated here, is a cpspear command for Spearman correlation.
Somewhat deeper than these commands, which are just convenience commands, is the minor machinery of how to do it. Let's illustrate with Kendall's tau_a to compensate for not going all the way and providing a command for that measure. In essence, you set up a matrix of the right dimensions and then loop over row and column variables to populate it with results.
The module requires Stata 10, but so as not to disqualify those who could have made use of the previous version, the original programs remain, but with suffix *6 to indicate that the programs work in Stata 6 through 9.
The changes include:
1. Modernised presentation of the help.
2. Cross-references in the help to other related commands.
3. Saved results.
The module includes an eponymous command cpcorr to give selected rectangular blocks of correlations that need not be entire correlation matrices. An easy example is a vector restricted to the response variable and possible predictors. A more esoteric example is a matrix with rows the original variables and columns their principal components: I find such correlations easier to think about, often, than loadings.
Also included, but not illustrated here, is a cpspear command for Spearman correlation.
. clear . sysuse auto (1978 Automobile Data) . cpcorr headroom trunk weight length displacement \ mpg (obs=74) mpg headroom -0.4138 trunk -0.5816 weight -0.8072 length -0.7958 displacement -0.7056 . cpcorr headroom trunk weight length displacement \ mpg, format(%4.3f) (obs=74) mpg headroom -0.414 trunk -0.582 weight -0.807 length -0.796 displacement -0.706 . mat C = r(C) . mat li C C[5,1] mpg headroom -.41380299 trunk -.58158503 weight -.80717486 length -.79577944 displacement -.70564259 . pca headroom trunk weight length displacement Principal components/correlation Number of obs = 74 Number of comp. = 5 Trace = 5 Rotation: (unrotated = principal) Rho = 1.0000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component | Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative -------------+------------------------------------------------------------ Comp1 | 3.76201 3.026 0.7524 0.7524 Comp2 | .736006 .427915 0.1472 0.8996 Comp3 | .308091 .155465 0.0616 0.9612 Comp4 | .152627 .111357 0.0305 0.9917 Comp5 | .0412693 . 0.0083 1.0000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal components (eigenvectors) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Variable | Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5 -------------+-------------------------------------------------- headroom | 0.3587 0.7640 0.5224 -0.1209 0.0130 trunk | 0.4334 0.3665 -0.7676 0.2914 0.0612 weight | 0.4842 -0.3329 0.0737 -0.2669 0.7603 length | 0.4863 -0.2372 -0.1050 -0.5745 -0.6051 displacement | 0.4610 -0.3390 0.3484 0.7065 -0.2279 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Variable | Unexplained -------------+------------- headroom | 0 trunk | 0 weight | 0 length | 0 displacement | 0 --------------------------- . predict PC1-PC5 (score assumed) Scoring coefficients sum of squares(column-loading) = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Variable | Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5 -------------+-------------------------------------------------- headroom | 0.3587 0.7640 0.5224 -0.1209 0.0130 trunk | 0.4334 0.3665 -0.7676 0.2914 0.0612 weight | 0.4842 -0.3329 0.0737 -0.2669 0.7603 length | 0.4863 -0.2372 -0.1050 -0.5745 -0.6051 displacement | 0.4610 -0.3390 0.3484 0.7065 -0.2279 ---------------------------------------------------------------- . cpcorr headroom trunk weight length displacement \ PC? (obs=74) PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 headroom 0.6958 0.6554 0.2900 -0.0472 0.0026 trunk 0.8405 0.3144 -0.4261 0.1138 0.0124 weight 0.9392 -0.2856 0.0409 -0.1043 0.1545 length 0.9432 -0.2035 -0.0583 -0.2245 -0.1229 displacement 0.8942 -0.2909 0.1934 0.2760 -0.0463 . cpcorr headroom trunk weight length displacement \ PC?, format(%3.2f) (obs=74) PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 headroom 0.70 0.66 0.29 -0.05 0.00 trunk 0.84 0.31 -0.43 0.11 0.01 weight 0.94 -0.29 0.04 -0.10 0.15 length 0.94 -0.20 -0.06 -0.22 -0.12 displacement 0.89 -0.29 0.19 0.28 -0.05
sysuse auto, clear mat ktau = J(5, 1, .) local Y mpg local nY : word count `Y' local X headroom trunk weight length displacement local nX : word count `X' forval i = 1/`nX' { local x : word `i' of `X' forval j = 1/`nY' { local y : word `j' of `Y' quietly ktau `x' `y' matrix ktau[`i', `j'] = r(tau_a) } } matrix colnames ktau = `Y' matrix rownames ktau = `X' mat li ktau, format(%4.3f) ktau[5,1] mpg headroom -0.305 trunk -0.451 weight -0.686 length -0.633 displacement -0.594