Hello everybody.
I am currently running a fixed effects regression on an unbalanced short panel data of 129 companies for 6 years. I am a bit confused for the different results produced by the two commands 'xtreg' and 'areg'. More in details, these are the codes employed:
The results are different in terms of R-squared and standard errors. Although coefficients are the same in both cases, the 'xtreg' command generates smaller R-sq (below traditional threshold of 10%) and larger standard errors than 'areg'. Therefore, which one should be more accurate? And, in addtion, may 'areg' command with 'robust' option be able to control for both heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation as well?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
I am currently running a fixed effects regression on an unbalanced short panel data of 129 companies for 6 years. I am a bit confused for the different results produced by the two commands 'xtreg' and 'areg'. More in details, these are the codes employed:
xtreg depvar varlist i.year, fe robust
areg depvar varlist i.year, absorb(Companyname) robust
Thank you in advance for your answers.