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  • installing ivreg2 without internet connection

    Again I'm in a research room with no intrenet connection so I can't use the wonderful ssc install command.
    How do I manually install ivreg2? ( )
    I already manually installed estout here, but that was easy as IDEAS had a zip file containing all files of the package and instructions on how to install it ( ).
    ivreg2 has several and several files in the IDEAS page and i'm not sure which one of them (if any except for ivreg2.ado) is required.

    any help would be greatly appreciated

  • #2
    You do have another computer with internet access and Stata, right? One approach is to use the -net- command. Do "net set ado" on your internet-facing computer so it installs to a specific unique folder. Then copy the files to a thumb drive, put it in the non-networked computer. Then you could manually copy the files to your ado path, or use "net from" to install.
    Last edited by ben earnhart; 03 Sep 2015, 10:15.


    • #3
      I do have a PC with a connection. thanks for the advice. on Sunday when I'll again have access to the research room I'll see if it worked for now Iv'e done as you said and zipped the folder. Thanks!


      • #4
        Hello. I'd like to add that I'm having a similar problem installing updates and user-written commands. I work in a secure environment with a firewall that blocks communication with the STATA server from the command window. I've tried downloading files separately, copying them to the personal and plus folders within the system directory and using "net set" to install the program. As Ariel mentions above, this will work with estout, since it comes with a suite of files that includes a TOC file to direct installation. However, an error window pops up when simply trying to run a lone do file with user-written extensions. Does anyone have further advice on how to get around this problem? For example, I'm not sure how to generate and save my own TOC file -- this might solve the problem.



        • #5
          Try this:

          1. update all the ado files and user written content in you local computer at home/office with the command​ Code:

          adoupdate, update
          2. copy the PLUS folder from your home/office computer and save it on flash drive (USB key).
          3. Copy the PLUS folder to the computer without internet access
          4. every time you launch Stata type inside Stata, and use the path to the place you locate your files in step 3:
          sysdir set PLUS "c:\..."
          5. once in a while return on steps 1-5 to keep your user written update.


          • #6
            Hi, I am having the same issue with installing ivreg2 and xtabond2 ( on the data lab computer with no Internet access.

            First, I copied a PLUS folder with installed xtabond2 on the flashdrive. Then, in Stata on the computer without Internet access I did the following steps:

            . sysdir set PLUS "E:\plus"

            . sysdir
            STATA: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14\
            BASE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14\ado\base\
            SITE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14\ado\site\
            PLUS: E:\plus\
            PERSONAL: c:\ado\personal\
            OLDPLACE: c:\ado\

            . ssc install ivreg2
            host not found
            1) is not a valid URL, or
            2) could not be contacted, or
            3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

            . ssc install xtabond2
            host not found
            1) is not a valid URL, or
            2) could not be contacted, or
            3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

            Do I need to create a stata.toc file? If so then how?




            • #7
              If you do not have internet access, your computer cannot see SSC to install anything. Nothing you do on your computer will change this, except gaining internet access. What you might be able to do is download the files on another computer, bring them to your computer and put them in E:\plus.


              • #8
                Hi Nick,

                thank you.

                1. Which command should I then use instead of ssc install to install a command from E:\plus on un-networked computer?

                2. When I download .ado file for xtabond2 from here ( I creates a text file. Is it enough to install a program?

                I was also trying to copy a PLUS folder from networked computer (with xtabond2) but then again how to tell the un-networked computer to install from that folder?



                • #9
                  Sorry, I don't know your set-up. Evidently you can use the internet if you can post here. Why not look at

                  help netio
                  and then try to tell Stata about your set-up. You may need to talk to your local IT support, but I can't know more about your computing environment than you do.

                  I wouldn't try to install SSC programs except through the ssc command. I would not use a browser.


                  • #10
                    Hi Nick,

                    I travel to a secure data lab with no Internet connection. Before going there I prepare my codes.

                    I tried net from:

                    . net from "E:\plus\x\xtabond2.ado"
                    file E:\plus\x\xtabond2.ado\stata.toc not found
                    E:\plus\x\xtabond2.ado\ either
                    1) does not exist or
                    2) is not a Stata download directory (has no stata.toc file).


                    • #11
                      referring to here:

                      I copied my PLUS folder from networked computer to a SITE folder of un-networked computer.

                      . xtabond2 n L.n L2.n w L.w L(0/2).(k ys) yr*, gmmstyle(L.n) ivstyle(L2.n w L.w L(0/2).(k ys) yr*) noleveleq nocons
                      <istmt>: 3499 xtabond2_mata() not found

                      still an error


                      • #12
                        The messages are there telling you the problems. Your E: can't be used by net because there is no .toc file. Your xtabond2 package is incomplete because at least one file (probably with a .mata extension) isn't visible.


                        • #13
                          The problem disappeared after I restarted a computer.

                          This one is a related post -

