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  • Instrumental Variable Probit using Panel Data

    Hi All,

    Can someone let me know how I can implement probit IV (first stage is OLS, second stage is probit) using panel data?

    Is there a single command or a series of steps to do this? I know that ivprobit command is for cross-sectional data.


  • #2
    welcome to the list.
    Can't you switch to a pooled ivprobit?
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Carlo, I have a panel data structure so using ivprobit will not be appropriate.


      • #4
        I got that you have panel data structure. That's why I mentioned pooled ivprobit, not ivprobit.
        Unfortunately, I have no idea of other possible solutions (and the lack of others' replies seems to confirm the difficulty of your task, so far).
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          I got that you have panel data structure. That's why I mentioned pooled ivprobit, not ivprobit.
          Unfortunately, I have no idea of other possible solutions (and the lack of others' replies seems to confirm the difficulty of your task, so far).
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Carlo is correct: You can apply ivprobit to panel data. You would want to use the "cluster(id)" option, where "id" is the cross sectional identifier, to obtain valid inference. If you are worried about correlation between the unobserved effects and explanatory variables you can use a correlated random effects approach. Papke and Wooldridge “Panel Data Methods for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to Test Pass Rates,” Journal of Econometrics 145, 121-133, July 2008, shows how to use a two-step control function method. But you can also use ivprobit in one step.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeff Wooldridge View Post
              Carlo is correct: You can apply ivprobit to panel data. You would want to use the "cluster(id)" option, where "id" is the cross sectional identifier, to obtain valid inference. If you are worried about correlation between the unobserved effects and explanatory variables you can use a correlated random effects approach. Papke and Wooldridge “Panel Data Methods for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to Test Pass Rates,” Journal of Econometrics 145, 121-133, July 2008, shows how to use a two-step control function method. But you can also use ivprobit in one step.
              Dr. Wooldridge,

              I wanted to make sure I fully understand what you suggested, so basically for panel data with binary dependent variable (DV) and continuous endogenous variables (x1 x2 x1*z3), one can specify the following with ivprobit to obtain valid inference:

               ivprobit DV controls (x1 x2 x1*z3 = z1 z2 z1*z3), vce(cluster firm_ID) first
              where controls and z3 are exogenous variables; z1 and z2 are instruments;

              Is there any other command that I can use for robustness check? Thanks!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jeff Wooldridge View Post
                Carlo is correct: You can apply ivprobit to panel data. You would want to use the "cluster(id)" option, where "id" is the cross sectional identifier, to obtain valid inference. If you are worried about correlation between the unobserved effects and explanatory variables you can use a correlated random effects approach. Papke and Wooldridge “Panel Data Methods for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to Test Pass Rates,” Journal of Econometrics 145, 121-133, July 2008, shows how to use a two-step control function method. But you can also use ivprobit in one step.
                Dear Dr. Wooldridge,
                I came across a similar problem like that in your paper (Papke and Wooldridge, 2008) with the only difference that the dependent variable is binary instead of fractional.
                actioni,t = ai + Xit,1 + Xit,2 + ei,t

                in which i, t are subscripts stand for individual and time, respectively. actioni,t is a dummy variable equals 1 if individual i take certain action at t and equals 0 otherwise;
                It's reasonable to suspect that Xit,1 is endogenous, we thus find an instrument zit for it.

                actioni,t takes a disproportionally larger number of 0 (around 3/4), and Xit,1 (also contains a large proportion of 0) is the number of people lining behind the focal customer waiting to check out at a supermarket.

                The question is, can I use the method you and Pake proposed in your 2008 JE paper directly in my setting? If not, what kind of modification do you suggest?

                Thanks so much, not just for this particular question but also for all the econometrics I learned from your fantastic books and journal articles.

