Dear All,, I am using stata 13 and estimating panel logit model. I am using unbalanced panel data with household id as the grouping observation.
for the estimation I use the command :
xtset hh
xtlogit school_enroll cog_ability age sex, fe
however after I run the command:
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post]margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
Stata reported as following:
default predict option not appropriate with margins
but when I tried without fe option, there is no problem with the margins command
Is there anyway for me to get the marginal effects for fixed effect logit model?
Thank You
Dono Iskandar
for the estimation I use the command :
xtset hh
xtlogit school_enroll cog_ability age sex, fe
however after I run the command:
margins, dydx(*) atmeans post]margins, dydx(*) atmeans post
Stata reported as following:
default predict option not appropriate with margins
but when I tried without fe option, there is no problem with the margins command
Is there anyway for me to get the marginal effects for fixed effect logit model?
Thank You
Dono Iskandar