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  • #46
    Originally posted by wbuchanan View Post
    Windows 10 has all sorts of issues with file permissions. Make sure that C:/ado/personal is writable and it should take care of it. The first time the program is executed it will try to create a few different subdirectories in personal that it uses to store color and palette data used to construct the scheme and theme files.
    Hi Buchanan, its a great program but seems like a lot of people are not being able to use because of the error. Same issue on mac. Please keep us updated if someone comes up with a solution. Thanks.


    • #47
      Sonnen Blume
      I’ve worked to resolve any/every issue that I can replicate which has been reported in GitHub. Are you experiencing a different issue? If so, please submit an issue so I can work on it as my time permits.


      • #48
        Can we produce an Excel-style theme using -brewscheme-? Thus I can discard Excel at all.


        • #49
          Chen Samulsion
          It is definitely possible using a combination of -brewtheme- and -brewscheme- to generate a scheme file that would mimic the aesthetics for MS Excel. As an example, shows how I generated the theme and scheme files to mimic the -ggplot2- default aesthetics. You would need to take a similar approach to get it to mimic MS Excel, but it should be possible.


          • #50
            Hello wbuchanan, there seems something wrong when I run -brewscheme-.

            I reinstall brewscheme from (The website of package source shows wrong in the old brewscheme.sthlp.) I run the commands examples in brewscheme's help file, and when I use the scheme that it build, I got some (actually many) "note" provided by Stata. My Stata version is 16. Thank you very much.

            . brewscheme, scheme(mixed1) scatst(set1) barst(pastel1) somest(brbg)
            Directory exists and rebuild option not specified.  No further action
            Directory exists and rebuild option not specified.  No further action
            For bugs/issues, please submit issues to: 
            For additional information about the program visit: 
            . sysuse auto.dta, clear
            (1978 Automobile Data)
            . graph box mpg, over(rep78) scheme(mixed1)
            (note:  alignstroke foreground not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke dot not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke dot_area not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p1mark not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke background not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke refline not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke refmarker not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  anglestyle symbol not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  anglestyle symbol not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke dotmark not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  anglestyle symbol not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  anglestyle symbol not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize vsmallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize vsmallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize vsmallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize vsmallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke tick not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke minortick not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke axisline not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize medmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize medmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize medmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize medmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke plotregion not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke ci not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p3boxmark not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p1boxmark not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p1 not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p1box not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize smallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize smallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize smallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize smallmargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize tinymargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize tinymargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize tinymargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  gsize tinymargin not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke p1other not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            (note:  alignstroke not found in scheme, default attributes used)
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	33.5 KB
ID:	1627308


            • #51
              Chen Samulsion
              Apologies for the delayed response. The notes that you are seeing are related to changes that I have yet to make to the scheme files that are constructed in later versions of Stata. They are harmless and are essentially just saying that there are entries that are/aren't expected and Stata will use default values in their place. As an example, when Stata added some of the meta-analysis features in Stata 16 it included some plot commands that are specific to meta-analysis. Those plots have corresponding entries in the scheme files that set the default parameters for the aesthetic properties of those graphs, but I haven't updated the source to cover those additions (or any deletions) that happened to the s2color scheme file; I use s2color as the basis for defining things since it is the most complete scheme file (e.g., has all properties specified). One of the issues is just making sure that I build in the additional logic needed to test for versioning and insert the new entries in the appropriate locations to still make the -brewscheme- generated scheme files diff-able with s2color across a couple of versions of Stata. I also still need to build in the necessary logic to handle alpha layer transparency as well, but haven't set aside the time to make those changes. Eventually, I would also like to make -brewscheme- capable of generating/converting a .scheme file to a .css file that could be used for .svgs created by Stata (or using libd3/libhtml), but that is a much more complex endeavor.


              • #52
                wbuchanan Thank you very much for sharing informations above. And I am glad that those cautions/notes are harmless. I think you are doing a great job and all endeavor will be appreciated.

