I am experiencing some troubles to use cmissing command with twoway graph.
I have a basic twoway line code as follow :
twoway (line asylapp year if resi == "Italy", cmissing(n)) ///
(line asylapp year if resi == "United Kingdom", lpattern(dash)), ///
note(Note : data are not available for Italy from 2000 to 2004)
I have Panel data from 1990 to 2013 and no data for Italy between 2000 and 2004
When I run the do-file, the line still appears between this period. I tried to change
the command by using twoway connected or scatter but it didn't work. I also tried
to use the command sort before cmissing but it ditn't improve my result.
Is there another solution than using the xtline command by going with panelvar?
Lucas Guichard
Note : I am working on Stata 13.1 MP
I am experiencing some troubles to use cmissing command with twoway graph.
I have a basic twoway line code as follow :
twoway (line asylapp year if resi == "Italy", cmissing(n)) ///
(line asylapp year if resi == "United Kingdom", lpattern(dash)), ///
note(Note : data are not available for Italy from 2000 to 2004)
I have Panel data from 1990 to 2013 and no data for Italy between 2000 and 2004
When I run the do-file, the line still appears between this period. I tried to change
the command by using twoway connected or scatter but it didn't work. I also tried
to use the command sort before cmissing but it ditn't improve my result.
Is there another solution than using the xtline command by going with panelvar?
Lucas Guichard
Note : I am working on Stata 13.1 MP