Dear List,
I am analyzing a spatial panel dataset using the XSMLE package. My units are a subset of US states (11) and my panel is strongly balanced. After searching both the Stata List and online extensively, I've got a few questions I can't seem to answer:
I am analyzing a spatial panel dataset using the XSMLE package. My units are a subset of US states (11) and my panel is strongly balanced. After searching both the Stata List and online extensively, I've got a few questions I can't seem to answer:
- If a standard Hausman test indicates that an RE model is appropriate, does that results extend to a spatial panel? I've found some papers referencing a spatial Hausman test in R, but I haven't found any info on how to run this in Stata. Any thoughts here?
- Because I've got some nonlinear Ys, I have respecified my model to include some cubic and quartic terms that, based on the literature, I think will account for the nonlinear patterns. I have run a Ladder test, but the terms with the lowest Chi2 aren't significant in my model. Is the ladder test appropriate for a spatial panel dataset?
- What's the best way to assess high leverage observations when running XSMLE? Should I just estimate a pooled OLS model and then calculate DFBETA and Cook's D or is there another approach?
- I've read the presentation that Belotti, Hughes and Mortari (2013) created on XSMLE, but are there any additional resources I can reference? I'm struggling in particular to understand how to interpret the Main, Spatial, Variance, Direct and Indirect results that the package produces.