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  • VennDiag troubleshooting

    I am trying to use VennDiag on Stata 9 (yes I know I should upgrade but I am in Sierra Leone (Ebola related data) and unlikely to be able to download anything and my University does not have any kind of educational agreement with timberlake so money also an issue.) Anyway stat 9 does most things and has the benefit of being a stand alone offline product.

    I getlovely text results, which might be helpful for me to just do this semi manually on R, but does not atually draw a graph. Is this a stat 9 thing - or is there a fix please?

    Many thanks

    Janet Scott

  • #2
    Sorry, but what's the question here? venndiag (SSC) should work fine with Stata 9. If not, you will need to give us much more specific detail about what you tried and what did or did not work.


    • #3
      I have just noticed the message from Janet Scott regarding VennDiag troubleshooting.

      Janet, which program are you referring to? The SSC version of venndiag, or my version of VennDiagram?
      Based on the capitalization you use, I suspect the latter, and given the explanations about Stata 9 you are using, I assume you are constrained to use it, since it declared compatibility with v10.0.
      I have just downgraded the version requirement to 9.2.

      Please elaborate if you are facing a different issue.

      Best, Sergiy Radyakin


      • #4
        Hi, tried to generate a venn diagram with Stata 18 with the following commands

         venndiag var1 var2 var3, c1(1) c2(1) c3(1) circle label(cd) show(pc)/*
        > */t1(var1) /* 
        > */t2(var2) t3(var3)  print
        the command went through but no diagram was printed. Any idea why this is? Thanks so much.


        • #5
          Please show us a data example and the results of

          which venndiag

          are two alternatives to Venn diagrams.

