In a theoretical experiment, I expose individual subjects to various doses of a toxic agent (example here is radiation), and later determine if the subject is dead or alive.
I want to use either logit or probit to describe probability of death as a function of dose.
Specifically, I want to calculate the dose that will kill 50% of the subjects (LD50), and I want to report LD50 with 95% CI.
Finally, I want to test if the logit LD50 is different from the probit LD50.
The last question doesn't make much sense, but if I understand how to do the test, I can use it on more interesting questions (like, if I only use logit and give a radio protector to some subjects, will they have a significantly higher LD50?).
My questions are:
a) How do I calculate SE on LD50, and use that to calculate 95% CI? I have seen this question raised in various forums and publications. It seems complicated, and I don't know which formula to use, or how to enter it in Stata in a way that refers only to stored results (like _b[cons]).
b) What is the best reference for how to calculate SE?
c) Have I made any other mistakes in the code below, including how to test the difference in LD50s and for the plot used for visual inspection of the data and the logit/probit functions?
d) This is my first post, and please correct any mistakes I may have done on how to post a question on this list.

Any help is greatly appreciated,
Many thanks,
In a theoretical experiment, I expose individual subjects to various doses of a toxic agent (example here is radiation), and later determine if the subject is dead or alive.
I want to use either logit or probit to describe probability of death as a function of dose.
Specifically, I want to calculate the dose that will kill 50% of the subjects (LD50), and I want to report LD50 with 95% CI.
Finally, I want to test if the logit LD50 is different from the probit LD50.
The last question doesn't make much sense, but if I understand how to do the test, I can use it on more interesting questions (like, if I only use logit and give a radio protector to some subjects, will they have a significantly higher LD50?).
My questions are:
a) How do I calculate SE on LD50, and use that to calculate 95% CI? I have seen this question raised in various forums and publications. It seems complicated, and I don't know which formula to use, or how to enter it in Stata in a way that refers only to stored results (like _b[cons]).
b) What is the best reference for how to calculate SE?
c) Have I made any other mistakes in the code below, including how to test the difference in LD50s and for the plot used for visual inspection of the data and the logit/probit functions?
d) This is my first post, and please correct any mistakes I may have done on how to post a question on this list.
. version 14 . webuse auto, clear // Generate data test set (1978 Automobile Data) . generate subjectID=_n // Clarify that observations are individual subjects . generate dose=(7500-weight)/100 // Exposure (radiation dose) . label variable dose "Radiation dose (Gy)" . generate survival=foreign // Outcome (survival, 0 or 1) . label variable survival "Survival: 0=alive 1=dead" . drop w f m* p r h t* l di g . logit survival dose // logit Iteration 0: log likelihood = -45.03321 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -30.669507 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -29.068209 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -29.054006 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -29.054002 Iteration 5: log likelihood = -29.054002 Logistic regression Number of obs = 74 LR chi2(1) = 31.96 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -29.054002 Pseudo R2 = 0.3548 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ survival | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dose | .2587387 .0609368 4.25 0.000 .1393048 .3781727 _cons | -13.12281 3.018091 -4.35 0.000 -19.03816 -7.207457 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . scalar _consl = _b[_cons] // Used for plot . scalar dosel = _b[dose] // Used for plot . scalar LD50l = -_b[_cons]/_b[dose] // LD50 (logit) . *scalar LD50lse = ??? // SE - Don't know how to do this . scalar LD50lse = 5 // Just a random number to run the next part . scalar LD50lupp = LD50l+(1.96*LD50lse) // Don't know if can be done on this scale . scalar LD50llow = LD50l-(1.96*LD50lse) . display "LD50(logit): " %4.2f LD50l " Gy" LD50(logit): 50.72 Gy . display "95% CI: " %4.2f LD50llow "-" %4.2f LD50lupp 95% CI: 40.92-60.52 . probit survival dose // probit Iteration 0: log likelihood = -45.03321 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -29.534424 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -28.912832 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -28.908407 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -28.908407 Probit regression Number of obs = 74 LR chi2(1) = 32.25 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -28.908407 Pseudo R2 = 0.3581 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ survival | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dose | .15049 .0326453 4.61 0.000 .0865064 .2144735 _cons | -7.631124 1.602292 -4.76 0.000 -10.77156 -4.490688 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . scalar _consp = _b[_cons] // Used for plot . scalar dosep = _b[dose] // Used for plot . scalar LD50p = -_b[_cons]/_b[dose] // LD50 (probit) . *scalar LD50pse = ??? // SE - Don't know how to do this . scalar LD50pse = 5 // Just a random number to run the next part . scalar LD50pupp = LD50p+(1.96*LD50pse) // Don't know if can be done on this scale . scalar LD50plow = LD50p-(1.96*LD50pse) . display "LD50(probit): " %4.2f LD50p " Gy" LD50(probit): 50.71 Gy . display "95% CI: " %4.2f LD50plow "-" %4.2f LD50pupp 95% CI: 40.91-60.51 . * Test difference between LD50logit and LD50probit . scalar Z = (LD50l-LD50p)/sqrt(LD50lse^2+LD50pse^2) . scalar Pval = 2*normal(-abs(Z)) . display "P value:" %9.2e Pval P value: 9.99e-01 . * Plot data and logit/probit functions . twoway function y = invlogit(_consl + dosel*x), range(dose) || /// > function y = normprob(_consp + dosep*x), range(dose) || /// > scatter survival dose, /// > xtitle("Radiation dose (Gy)") ytitle("Probability of death") /// > legend(order(1 2) label(1 "logit") label(2 "probit")) .
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Many thanks,