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thank you professor Clyde Schechter for your time,but still little confusion ,(1) my initial calculation in #15 based on weekly data(by industry_id week) , but i am calculating total_industry_return on whole sample basis(by industry), ?why not to calcuate it also on by industry and week basis?
i am calculating weighted_mean_ industry_return,so why not to use weighted_total industry_return instead of total_industry_return in #15, i mean if i will use total_industry_return, then why i am calculating weighted_total_industry_return in step 1.
Actually this formula is used for robustness, therefore as in #6 it was calculated on firm and year basis,so i want to calculat this also on the same basis by using industry and year.
Professor,could you please guide me again.thank you
I'm sorry, but at this point I am completely confused about what you want. If you review this long thread, you wlll find code for both the weighted calculations and the unweighted ones. I don't understand which you want, but whichever one it is, it is already here.