Dear Statalist,
I am doing a Hausman test in order to test the RE estimator against the FE estimator.
The dependent variable in the model is log(hourly_wage) and I have a set of explanatory variables (22 regressors in the FE model and 29 in the RE model) - among these variables there are nine year dummies.
My dataset is an unbalanced data set with approximately i=10.000 and T=10. The reason why the data set is unbalanced is that I only have observations for employed people with an hourly wage available in the data.
When testing the RE against FE estimator I write the following in Stata:
(Command 1)
xtreg y d2002 d2003 d2004 d2005 d2006 d2007 d2008 d2009 x1-x22, fe
estimates store fixed
xtreg y d2002 d2003 d2004 d2005 d2006 d2007 d2008 d2009 x1-x13, re
estimates store randon
hausman fixed random, sigmamore
When I run this I get chi2(22)=959.86 and Prob>chi2=0.0000 and the message "V_b-V_B is not positive definit".
From Wooldridge "Econometric Analysis of cross section and panel data" from 2010 page 333 I have found following:
"To summarize, we can estimate models that include aggregate time effects, time constant variables, and regressors that change across both i and t, by RE and FE estimation. But no matter how we compute a test statistic, we can only compare the coefficients on the regressors that change across both i and t. "
I have made a joint F test to find that the nine year dummy variables are significantly different from 0 and hence should be included in the FE and RE models.
What I read from the text stated from Wooldridge is that I cannot include my year-dummies in the two models when performing a Hausman test - or is this a wrong way to read it?
If i run the same command as a above - but without the nine year dummies - i get the following:
(Command 2)
If i xtreg y x1-x22, fe
estimates store fixed
xtreg y x1-x13, re
estimates store randon
hausman fixed random, sigmamore
chi2(13)=623.32 and Prob>chi2=0.0000.
Hence the message with not positiv definit is gone.
My question is how to handle this situation? Do I:
(1) Keep the year dummies in the model as in (Command 1) above and write that I have a variance which is not positiv definit and therefor can't use the test? OR
(2) Do I remove the dummy variables from the models as in (Command 2) and use the test and hereby go for the FE estimator?
I hope that someone can help me answer this question or maybe just help me realize something relevant that I have missed in the process.
Please let me know if there is anything crucial you need to know in order to help me solve this problem.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
I am doing a Hausman test in order to test the RE estimator against the FE estimator.
The dependent variable in the model is log(hourly_wage) and I have a set of explanatory variables (22 regressors in the FE model and 29 in the RE model) - among these variables there are nine year dummies.
My dataset is an unbalanced data set with approximately i=10.000 and T=10. The reason why the data set is unbalanced is that I only have observations for employed people with an hourly wage available in the data.
When testing the RE against FE estimator I write the following in Stata:
(Command 1)
xtreg y d2002 d2003 d2004 d2005 d2006 d2007 d2008 d2009 x1-x22, fe
estimates store fixed
xtreg y d2002 d2003 d2004 d2005 d2006 d2007 d2008 d2009 x1-x13, re
estimates store randon
hausman fixed random, sigmamore
When I run this I get chi2(22)=959.86 and Prob>chi2=0.0000 and the message "V_b-V_B is not positive definit".
From Wooldridge "Econometric Analysis of cross section and panel data" from 2010 page 333 I have found following:
"To summarize, we can estimate models that include aggregate time effects, time constant variables, and regressors that change across both i and t, by RE and FE estimation. But no matter how we compute a test statistic, we can only compare the coefficients on the regressors that change across both i and t. "
I have made a joint F test to find that the nine year dummy variables are significantly different from 0 and hence should be included in the FE and RE models.
What I read from the text stated from Wooldridge is that I cannot include my year-dummies in the two models when performing a Hausman test - or is this a wrong way to read it?
If i run the same command as a above - but without the nine year dummies - i get the following:
(Command 2)
If i xtreg y x1-x22, fe
estimates store fixed
xtreg y x1-x13, re
estimates store randon
hausman fixed random, sigmamore
chi2(13)=623.32 and Prob>chi2=0.0000.
Hence the message with not positiv definit is gone.
My question is how to handle this situation? Do I:
(1) Keep the year dummies in the model as in (Command 1) above and write that I have a variance which is not positiv definit and therefor can't use the test? OR
(2) Do I remove the dummy variables from the models as in (Command 2) and use the test and hereby go for the FE estimator?
I hope that someone can help me answer this question or maybe just help me realize something relevant that I have missed in the process.
Please let me know if there is anything crucial you need to know in order to help me solve this problem.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,