Thank you. I did not fully understand your code and what it does. The reason I need to use a DID-analysis is because I am trying to replicate the analysis of Giroud (2012), Proximity and investment: evidence from plant-level data, only with a different country. He used DID like this :
To examine the effects on plant-level investment and productivity, I use a difference-in-differences approach. I estimate:
Yijlt = ai + at + B x treatmentit + c Xijt + e
Where i indexes plants, j indexes firms, l indexes plant location, t indexes years, Yijlt is the dependent variable of interest (plant investment or productivity), ai and at are plant and year fixed effects, treatment is a dummy variable that equals 1 if a new airline route that reduces the travel time between plant i and its headquarters has been introduced by time t, X is a vector of control variables, and e is the error term.The main coefficient of interest is B, which measures the effect of the introduction of new airline routes.
I appreciate any help I have recieved and can get =)
To examine the effects on plant-level investment and productivity, I use a difference-in-differences approach. I estimate:
Yijlt = ai + at + B x treatmentit + c Xijt + e
Where i indexes plants, j indexes firms, l indexes plant location, t indexes years, Yijlt is the dependent variable of interest (plant investment or productivity), ai and at are plant and year fixed effects, treatment is a dummy variable that equals 1 if a new airline route that reduces the travel time between plant i and its headquarters has been introduced by time t, X is a vector of control variables, and e is the error term.The main coefficient of interest is B, which measures the effect of the introduction of new airline routes.
I appreciate any help I have recieved and can get =)