when Im trying to differentiate between FE and REs , Hausman test is highly insignificant, but when i use -xtoverid- option to account for heterosk. problem, then i get the following message:
Error - saved RE estimates are degenerate (sigma_u=0) and equivalent to pooled OLS I compared both results from RE and OLS, they are exactly the same. This happens when i use first differences and lagged regressors. (Please don't advice me to use GMM). The model is static. Could u tell me if something wrong with the model? My superviser recommended me to use first differences, and to run Hausman test for FE and REs. But I have problems with REs.
here is output:
when Im trying to differentiate between FE and REs , Hausman test is highly insignificant, but when i use -xtoverid- option to account for heterosk. problem, then i get the following message:
Error - saved RE estimates are degenerate (sigma_u=0) and equivalent to pooled OLS I compared both results from RE and OLS, they are exactly the same. This happens when i use first differences and lagged regressors. (Please don't advice me to use GMM). The model is static. Could u tell me if something wrong with the model? My superviser recommended me to use first differences, and to run Hausman test for FE and REs. But I have problems with REs.
here is output: