Hello All:
I realize that this is a statistics question rather than a Stata question, and I hope this is OK. Here is my situation. I have some event history data. I have approximately 100 cases, each of which is an organization. Each line of data is an organization-year. My dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of 0 if the group is alive in the given year, and a 1 the year that the group dies. As soon as a group gets a 1 on the dependent variable, it exits the data.
I am using the streg command to estimate a model that seeks to determine what sorts of things affect group death. One of the variables I would like to include in the model is AGE. So, for the first year a group is in the data it would have an AGE value of 1, and so on. I realize that estimating a Cox model with an AGE variable is impossible. However, is using the streg command and including an AGE variable in this manner a reasonable thing to do? I appreciate any feedback you can give me.
I realize that this is a statistics question rather than a Stata question, and I hope this is OK. Here is my situation. I have some event history data. I have approximately 100 cases, each of which is an organization. Each line of data is an organization-year. My dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of 0 if the group is alive in the given year, and a 1 the year that the group dies. As soon as a group gets a 1 on the dependent variable, it exits the data.
I am using the streg command to estimate a model that seeks to determine what sorts of things affect group death. One of the variables I would like to include in the model is AGE. So, for the first year a group is in the data it would have an AGE value of 1, and so on. I realize that estimating a Cox model with an AGE variable is impossible. However, is using the streg command and including an AGE variable in this manner a reasonable thing to do? I appreciate any feedback you can give me.