Hello I have the following data:
and the following code:
My chart does not look the best right now, but I'm trying to get there. I would like to know how I can add a label directly next to the lines for each of these series, for example, each series represents a country, so next to the end of each line on the graph I would like to label it with the country for which it corresponds. The countries are Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, US, China.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int year float(tw_eshare sk_eshare jp_eshare hk_eshare us_eshare ch_eshare) 1999 .353104 .2180597 .132673 .07837033 .013242254 .0037732776 2000 .3613982 .1935984 .14054033 .09470285 .01197752 .0041396185 2001 .3733647 .18836835 .13537122 .09850802 .011657768 .008487331 2002 .3761892 .2064878 .12076926 .11045322 .011942135 .011063125 2003 .3783749 .2163858 .11433821 .09861916 .011756462 .016428739 2004 .3859389 .2263669 .11611678 .08417509 .012050012 .016369808 2005 .3845172 .22625177 .1219711 .07566063 .012466455 .02556598 2006 .37641215 .23493522 .1331212 .070133805 .013106585 .02747921 2007 .3615798 .24617197 .14213298 .06388681 .015180472 .032136057 2008 .3476018 .2535338 .14422223 .06750516 .014348704 .03782948 2009 .3287824 .24717003 .1626905 .06264513 .01920605 .04352529 2010 .3215968 .25062367 .16644105 .06488687 .01863375 .0437016 2011 .3131113 .25433823 .173319 .06182805 .016680311 .04585869 2012 .3052285 .25912577 .17756553 .0608872 .016151281 .04603336 2013 .3044777 .26401043 .1663623 .06046329 .017376207 .04823454 2014 .2974295 .28048614 .1559516 .065785125 .01672531 .05081726 2015 .28691626 .29673535 .14978747 .06400553 .016013706 .05590628 2016 .27359244 .3085391 .143486 .065558076 .015584015 .06190511 2017 .26286304 .3131993 .14147463 .06799361 .015544648 .07033642 end
twoway (connected tw_eshare year, mcolor(navy) msize(vsmall) msymbol(circle) lcolor(navy) lpattern(solid)) (connected sk_eshare year, mcolor(midgreen) msize(vsmall) msymbol(square) lcolor(midgreen) lpattern(dash)) (connected jp_eshare year, mcolor(purple) msize(vsmall) msymbol(triangle) lcolor(purple) lpattern(longdash)) (connected hk_eshare year, mcolor(maroon) msize(vsmall) msymbol(diamond) lcolor(maroon) lpattern(dash_dot)) (connected us_eshare year, mcolor(orange_red) msize(small) msymbol(lgx) lcolor(orange_red) lpattern(shortdash_dot)) (connected ch_eshare year, mcolor(red) msize(small) msymbol(plus) lcolor(red) lpattern(longdash_shortdash)), legend(off)