Hello, I am having trouble figuring out how to export a matrix to Latex using esttab so that each entry of the matrix is encompassed in brackets.
Best, Marta
matrix pval = J(1, 5, .)
local i = 0
foreach num of numlist 1970(10)2010 {
local i = `i' + 1
summarize temp if Decade == `num', d
local t1m `r(mean)'
local t1s `r(sd)'
local t1n `r(N)'
summarize temp if Decade == `num' [aw=media], d
local t2m `r(mean)'
local t2s `r(sd)'
local t2n `r(N)'
ttesti `t1n' `t1m' `t1s' `t2n' `t2m' `t2s'
matrix pval[1, `i'] = `r(p)'
esttab matrix(pval, fmt(%12.3f)) using "results.tex", replace label gap noobs nonumber nomtitles collabels(none) nonote varlabels( , elist(r1 \addlinespace\addlinespace))
Best, Marta
matrix pval = J(1, 5, .)
local i = 0
foreach num of numlist 1970(10)2010 {
local i = `i' + 1
summarize temp if Decade == `num', d
local t1m `r(mean)'
local t1s `r(sd)'
local t1n `r(N)'
summarize temp if Decade == `num' [aw=media], d
local t2m `r(mean)'
local t2s `r(sd)'
local t2n `r(N)'
ttesti `t1n' `t1m' `t1s' `t2n' `t2m' `t2s'
matrix pval[1, `i'] = `r(p)'
esttab matrix(pval, fmt(%12.3f)) using "results.tex", replace label gap noobs nonumber nomtitles collabels(none) nonote varlabels( , elist(r1 \addlinespace\addlinespace))