Thank you so much for your detailed advice. I will keep that in mind.
This is the sample data structure of two county groups and their municipal subdivisions. I want county names such as "Allegany County" and "Anne Arundel County" to appear beside all the municipal subdivisions below them as a separate column.
I also want to rename the first "Totals" in each county group as "Totals_incorporated"
I am working on how to modify our code for these two tasks.
Thank you once again!
This is the sample data structure of two county groups and their municipal subdivisions. I want county names such as "Allegany County" and "Anne Arundel County" to appear beside all the municipal subdivisions below them as a separate column.
I also want to rename the first "Totals" in each county group as "Totals_incorporated"
I am working on how to modify our code for these two tasks.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str27 municipal_division str17 Number_Returns_Filed "Allegany County" "" "Barton" "209" "Bel Air" "683" "Bowling Green-Roberts Place" "488" "Cresaptown" "711" "Cumberland" "8272" "Ellerslie" "233" "Frostburg" "2844" "LaVale" "2816" "Lonaconing" "422" "Luke" "45" "McCoole" "139" "Midland" "203" "Mt. Savage" "359" "Potomac Park Addition" "396" "Westernport" "751" "Totals" "18571" "Rural and Unincorporated" "10171" "Totals" "28742" "" "" "Anne Arundel County" "" "Annapolis" "21414" "Highland Beach" "91" "Totals" "21505" "Rural and Unincorporated" "263550" "Totals" "285055" "" "" end