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  • xtivreg2 with time fixed effects


    I want to find the causal effect of the number of new electric vehicles on the number of charging stations.
    I use panel data, and want to use time fixed effects. Furthermore, I want to instrument the number of electric vehicles with the historic gasoline prices.

    I want to use the xtivreg2 because this automatically produces the "Underidentification test -Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic", "Weak identification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic)" and
    "Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments)".

    The code I run is:
    tsset municipality month_num, delta(1)
    xtset municipality month_num

    xi: xtivreg2 ln_CStot (ln_EVsales = ln_gasprice1 ln_gasprice2 ln_gasprice3 ln_gasprice4 ln_gasprice5 ln_gasprice6), i(month_num) fe cluster(municipality)
    When running this I get the following error message: "time and panel variables previously xtset -- may not be changed by options t() and i() -- use xtset to change them"

    I attempted to move the i(month_num) to the left side of the comma, as such
    xi: xtivreg2 ln_CStot (ln_EVsales = ln_gasprice1 ln_gasprice2 ln_gasprice3 ln_gasprice4 ln_gasprice5 ln_gasprice6) i.month_num, fe cluster(municipality)
    However, this produces the following error: equation not identified; must have at least as many instruments not in the regression as there are instrumented variables

    Hope someone can help

    kind regards