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  • Trouble calling global macro using two loop macros

    Dear Stata forum,

    I have a dataset compiled of experimental objectives (e.g. A00), analytes of interest, and experimental conditions to compare (sample_delay/sample_delay1). I have wrote a nested loop for analyte (NfL) of interest to run for every Objective (A00). I have generated global macros to store graph labelling options which will be dependent on the Objective and Analyte of interest (they contain `obj' and `analyte' within the name). The idea is that I would have these in an external do file that to run at the start of the do file
    (search xtline to install package)

    global A00NfLy="0 80" // NfL y-axis range
    global A00NfLx="0 80" // NfL x-axis range
    global A00NfLxlab="0(20)80" // NfL x-axis labels $`anaylte'xlab 
    global A00xlab = "1 5 8 12" // x-axis labels for xtline spagetti plots
    foreach obj in A00  { 
        foreach analyte of varlist NfL  { 
                    drop if Objective!="`obj'"
                    drop if Processingdelay==4
                xtline `analyte' , i(ID_visit) t(sample_delay1)  ///
                    overlay legend(off) aspectratio(1) ///
                    xlabel("$`obj'xlab", valuelabel) ///
                    ylabel("$`obj'`analyte'ylab") yscale(range("$`obj'`analyte'y"))     
                    name(spag_ALL, replace)
                        graph save "`analyte'_`obj'_ALL_Spag plot.gph" , replace
    The error I get is:

    range() invalid -- invalid numlist

    I think my issue is when combining both loop macros to try and call the global A00NfLy and A00NfLylab. When I try and break it down each:

    . local obj = "A00"
    . local analyte = "NfL"
    . di "$`obj'xlab"
    1 5 8 12
    . di "$`obj'`analyte'y"
    So calling global $A00xlab works but $A00NfLylab does not. If someone could help tell me if I have an issue with my use of quotes in this situation as I need to be able to quickly format all the graphs consistently for each analyte/objective combo.


    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str22 SampleID str7 ID_visit float disease_grp byte Processingdelay str5 Objective double NfL str7 sample_delay long sample_delay1
    "001-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "001-000" 0 0 "A00" 12.8232099637598 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "001-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "001-000" 0 0 "A00" 12.4721561722339 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "001-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "001-000" 0 0 "A00" 23.7322803122459 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "001-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "001-000" 0 0 "A00" 15.3790686393164 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "002-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "002-000" 1 0 "A00" 17.4525136837855 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "002-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "002-000" 1 0 "A00" 16.6536494463149 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "002-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "002-000" 1 0 "A00" 19.5717694531864 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "002-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "002-000" 1 0 "A00" 18.4071787272528 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "003-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "003-000" 0 0 "A00" 14.9352800760731 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "003-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "003-000" 0 0 "A00" 13.3980698197175 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "003-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "003-000" 0 0 "A00" 16.8338247887175 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "003-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "003-000" 0 0 "A00" 13.8783695698378 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "004-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "004-000" 1 0 "A00" 23.4103340003442 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "004-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "004-000" 1 0 "A00" 21.7338359178511 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "004-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "004-000" 1 0 "A00" 23.4523320833572 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "004-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "004-000" 1 0 "A00" 21.6395120711326 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "005-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "005-000" 0 0 "A00"  7.0198512335302 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "005-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "005-000" 0 0 "A00"  6.9046966821466 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "005-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "005-000" 0 0 "A00" 7.01208783823432 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "005-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "005-000" 0 0 "A00" 5.11242430205437 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "006-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "006-000" 2 0 "A00" 43.5597530377516 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "006-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "006-000" 2 0 "A00" 43.9181808077223 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "006-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "006-000" 2 0 "A00" 45.5521790956671 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "006-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "006-000" 2 0 "A00" 45.1104314938279 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "007-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "007-000" 1 0 "A00" 11.3301091332395 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "007-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "007-000" 1 0 "A00" 8.95780136200477 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "007-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "007-000" 1 0 "A00" 8.81102098195839 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "007-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "007-000" 1 0 "A00" 8.69714684579653 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "008-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "008-000" 0 0 "A00" 11.7017873220084 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "008-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "008-000" 0 0 "A00" 11.4152418460061 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "008-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "008-000" 0 0 "A00" 26.4188411190773 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "008-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "008-000" 0 0 "A00"  12.288604918731 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "009-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "009-000" 1 0 "A00" 32.4743054730123 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "009-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "009-000" 1 0 "A00"   33.86219920572 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "009-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "009-000" 1 0 "A00"  32.074160325192 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "009-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "009-000" 1 0 "A00" 30.8375761808333 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "010-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "010-000" 2 0 "A00" 30.0730098499468 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "010-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "010-000" 2 0 "A00" 27.4222733061866 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "010-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "010-000" 2 0 "A00" 32.5054229063763 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "010-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "010-000" 2 0 "A00" 28.5113568162498 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "011-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "011-000" 1 0 "A00"      27.86314247 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "011-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "011-000" 1 0 "A00"      24.45444406 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "011-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "011-000" 1 0 "A00"      28.97417553 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "012-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "012-000" 2 0 "A00"      40.33341793 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "012-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "012-000" 2 0 "A00"        39.057494 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "012-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "012-000" 2 0 "A00"      60.46692253 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "012-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "012-000" 2 0 "A00"      45.38509833 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "013-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "013-000" 0 0 "A00"      14.65149413 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "013-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "013-000" 0 0 "A00"      14.71016333 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "013-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "013-000" 0 0 "A00"       16.6604293 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "013-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "013-000" 0 0 "A00"      16.80206413 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "014-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "014-000" 1 0 "A00"      8.595706484 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "014-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "014-000" 1 0 "A00"      7.744093421 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "014-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "014-000" 1 0 "A00"      8.839780168 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "014-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "014-000" 1 0 "A00"      7.564593798 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "015-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "015-000" 2 0 "A00"      59.06629443 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "015-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "015-000" 2 0 "A00"      60.55670359 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "015-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "015-000" 2 0 "A00"      71.71274031 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "015-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "015-000" 2 0 "A00"      65.57058887 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "016-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "016-000" 2 0 "A00"      44.06225284 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "016-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "016-000" 2 0 "A00"      39.95055385 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "016-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "016-000" 2 0 "A00"      45.59128395 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "016-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "016-000" 2 0 "A00"      46.03946518 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "017-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "017-000" 2 0 "A00"      60.41304485 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "017-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "017-000" 2 0 "A00"      64.32861934 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "017-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "017-000" 2 0 "A00"      69.10275094 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "017-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "017-000" 2 0 "A00"      64.41109851 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "018-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "018-000" 0 0 "A00"      24.98245193 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "018-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "018-000" 0 0 "A00"      23.97155831 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "018-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "018-000" 0 0 "A00"        27.019583 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "018-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "018-000" 0 0 "A00"      23.88794076 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "019-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "019-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.670180033 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "019-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "019-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.960822594 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "019-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "019-000" 0 0 "A00"      8.095781335 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "019-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "019-000" 0 0 "A00"      7.457711532 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "020-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "020-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.689857002 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "020-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "020-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.737410508 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "020-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "020-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.739657212 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "020-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "020-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.882888073 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "021-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "021-000" 0 0 "A00"      4.762094851 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "021-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "021-000" 0 0 "A00"      4.828288344 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "021-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "021-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.421844346 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "021-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "021-000" 0 0 "A00"      5.927572933 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "022-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "022-000" 0 0 "A00"      7.046261148 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "022-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "022-000" 0 0 "A00"      6.870698082 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "022-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "022-000" 0 0 "A00"      7.295052204 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "024-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "024-000" 2 0 "A00"      19.86255374 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "024-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "024-000" 2 0 "A00"      19.54173634 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "024-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "024-000" 2 0 "A00"      17.36187772 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "024-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "024-000" 2 0 "A00"      17.60405891 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "025-000.A.0.0.Ven_P"    "025-000" 2 0 "A00"      45.06855239 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "025-000.A.0.0.Ven_S"    "025-000" 2 0 "A00"      46.57295806 "Ven_S_0" 12
    "025-000.A.0.0.Cap_P"    "025-000" 2 0 "A00"      48.43747505 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "025-000.A.0.0.Cap_S"    "025-000" 2 0 "A00"      45.12223331 "Cap_S_0"  5
    "019-001.B.1.a.Ven_P"    "019-001" 0 0 "B1a"      9.181497969 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "019-001.B.1.a.Ven_P 3d" "019-001" 0 3 "B1a"      8.638854088 "Ven_P_3"  9
    "019-001.B.1.a.Cap_P"    "019-001" 0 0 "B1a"      11.04319866 "Cap_P_0"  1
    "019-001.B.1.a.Cap_P 3d" "019-001" 0 3 "B1a"      8.747211213 "Cap_P_3"  2
    "026-000.B.1.a.Ven_P"    "026-000" 1 0 "B1a" 11.6308265770827 "Ven_P_0"  8
    "026-000.B.1.a.Ven_P 4d" "026-000" 1 4 "B1a" 9.43628599116204 "Ven_P_4" 10
    label values disease_grp status
    label def status 0 "Controls", modify
    label def status 1 "PreHD", modify
    label def status 2 "Manifest HD", modify
    label values sample_delay1 sample_delay1
    label def sample_delay1 1 "Cap_P_0", modify
    label def sample_delay1 2 "Cap_P_3", modify
    label def sample_delay1 5 "Cap_S_0", modify
    label def sample_delay1 8 "Ven_P_0", modify
    label def sample_delay1 9 "Ven_P_3", modify
    label def sample_delay1 10 "Ven_P_4", modify
    label def sample_delay1 12 "Ven_S_0", modify