I'm trying to use coefplot to graph average predicted probabilities after a logit regression but without going into detail as to why, I need to report the results as percentages. Meaning I need to multiply the stored results by 100 and add a % for the label. The example below is not the data I'm working with but it is similar. Instead of showing 0.2408 for white, I'd like to show 24%
Can someone help with this?
Can someone help with this?
clear use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/lbw logistic low age4 lwt i.race i.smoke i.ptl i.ht i.ui margins i.race i.smoke i.ptl i.ht i.ui , post estimates store a coefplot a, title("Average Predicted Probability of Low Birth Weight", size(med.small)) xline(0) omitted baselevels mlabel format(%9.4f) mlabposition(2) mlabsize(vsmall)