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  • Print tables to Word file

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking for a command that could be used to print high-quality tables from Stata to Microsoft Word.
    In particular, I want to copy the results of a Factor Analysis, such as a correlation matrix (corr and polychoric command), table with the descriptive statistics (tabstat $varlist, statistics (count mean sd min max skewness kurtosis) columns (statistics)), the results of the factor command, but also the factor loading matrix (rotate,promax blanks(.31)).

    I tried with different commands but they do not work with all the different types of tables I have to print.
    - asdoc does not work with rotate;
    - eststo + command; estout return an outcome that is different compared to the one produced by Stata;
    - Putdocx is not recognized by Stata.

    Thanks in advance,
    (Stata 14.1)