Hello everyone,
I am doing research on racial discrimination at the loan approval decisions, i.e. whether minority borrowers have a lower approval probability than similar white borrowers, c.p.
Actually, previous research has already raised evidence of discrimination against minorities using a logit regression in the following form,
P(approval)= f (minority status, loan features, borrower characteristics, ..., and some other controls)
A negative and statistically significant coefficient from this logit model reveals that minority status reduces the loan approval probability, c.p. Nevertheless, this model is unable to distinguish between differential treatment and disparate impact discrimination. In the form of differential treatment discrimination, two otherwise equal borrowers - except their race and ethnicity - will be treated differently by lenders. The second form - disparate impact discrimination - has a legal cover but can have an unintentional disparate impact against minority borrowers. One example is that lenders could set a minimum income level for all borrowers. This seemingly race-blind requirement will most likely negatively impact minority borrowers but not white borrowers because on average minorities have a lower income level than white.
The best way and the only way to isolate differential treatment discrimination in loan approvals is the paired testing methodology. Specifically, two applicants with the same credit histories and in need of the same type of loan would apply for a mortgage at the same lender. In this setting, the observed differences in treatment only reflect the differential treatment discrimination because two applicants are identically qualified. But the paired testing methodology is hardly practical in real life, because of the fact that pushing pair testing into the loan approval stage might be illegal and face high legal bills.
I noticed that the propensity score matching is used to balance the distribution of covariates, in other words, it will match the observations and make them the most similar in the covariables except the treatment indicator - in our case, the minority indicator. The minority-status impact is just the difference between the observed value of one observation and the observed value of its matching.
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I am doing research on racial discrimination at the loan approval decisions, i.e. whether minority borrowers have a lower approval probability than similar white borrowers, c.p.
Actually, previous research has already raised evidence of discrimination against minorities using a logit regression in the following form,
P(approval)= f (minority status, loan features, borrower characteristics, ..., and some other controls)
A negative and statistically significant coefficient from this logit model reveals that minority status reduces the loan approval probability, c.p. Nevertheless, this model is unable to distinguish between differential treatment and disparate impact discrimination. In the form of differential treatment discrimination, two otherwise equal borrowers - except their race and ethnicity - will be treated differently by lenders. The second form - disparate impact discrimination - has a legal cover but can have an unintentional disparate impact against minority borrowers. One example is that lenders could set a minimum income level for all borrowers. This seemingly race-blind requirement will most likely negatively impact minority borrowers but not white borrowers because on average minorities have a lower income level than white.
The best way and the only way to isolate differential treatment discrimination in loan approvals is the paired testing methodology. Specifically, two applicants with the same credit histories and in need of the same type of loan would apply for a mortgage at the same lender. In this setting, the observed differences in treatment only reflect the differential treatment discrimination because two applicants are identically qualified. But the paired testing methodology is hardly practical in real life, because of the fact that pushing pair testing into the loan approval stage might be illegal and face high legal bills.
I noticed that the propensity score matching is used to balance the distribution of covariates, in other words, it will match the observations and make them the most similar in the covariables except the treatment indicator - in our case, the minority indicator. The minority-status impact is just the difference between the observed value of one observation and the observed value of its matching.
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