Dear all,
I am trying to use graph in Stata 16 to plot bars of the means of categorical variables (5-point scale) while using the svy command so as to have accurate point estimates.
Here's an example of what I tried to do using a variable "nuclear" that excludes the 6th response category ("don't know").
I had successfully used svyset to calibrate the weights with the rake option:
I also saved the raked weights as "rake_wt":
I know graph has a pweight option, however I get different point estimates when I set pweight equal to my calibrated weights. For example, here's the results from svy: mean:
Versus the graph I get when I set pweight equal to my calibrated weights:
Without having to individually save each svy: mean result, is there a way I can graph the accurate point estimates?
I am trying to use graph in Stata 16 to plot bars of the means of categorical variables (5-point scale) while using the svy command so as to have accurate point estimates.
Here's an example of what I tried to do using a variable "nuclear" that excludes the 6th response category ("don't know").
. svy: graph bar nuclear if nuclear!=6 graph is not supported by svy with vce(linearized); see help svy estimation for a list of Stata estimation commands that are supported by svy r(322);
#delimit ; svyset [pweight=_one], rake(i.gender2 i.age1 i.region1 i.race3 i.educ1, totals(_cons=25127 1.gender2=12236 2.gender2=12891 1.age1=7568 2.age1=8305 3.age1=9254 1.region1=5260 2.region1=4435 3.region1=9499 4.region1=5933 1.race3=18242 2.race3=3191 3.race3=3694 1.educ1=9944 2.educ1=7748 3.educ1=7435 )); #delimit cr
#delimit ; svycal rake i.gender2 i.age1 i.region1 i.race3 i.educ1 [pw=_one], gen(rake_wt) totals(_cons=25127 1.gender2=12236 2.gender2=12891 1.age1=7568 2.age1=8305 3.age1=9254 1.region1=5260 2.region1=4435 3.region1=9499 4.region1=5933 1.race3=18242 2.race3=3191 3.race3=3694 1.educ1=9944 2.educ1=7748 3.educ1=7435 ) ; #delimit cr
. svy: mean nuclear if nuclear!=6 (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 2,836 Number of PSUs = 2,836 Population size = 25,127 Calibration : rake Design df = 2,835 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ nuclear | 3.087027 .0283936 3.031353 3.142701 --------------------------------------------------------------
graph bar nuclear if nuclear!=6 [pw = rake_wt]
Without having to individually save each svy: mean result, is there a way I can graph the accurate point estimates?